Chapter #27- In the veil of the Night.

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Song- Too Much to Ask by Niall Horan.

Niall just keeps on wowing me with his music 😍

Chapter #27- In the veil of the Night.

My Mate and I dropped the news on Hayden and Rebecca as soon as they planted their butts on the sofa (Becs in Hades' lap) and surprisingly, they took it in stride.

I mean sure Rebecca cried a river, wanting to meet Vanessa right then, but my Spice cajoled her into staying put and waiting for Vanessa to come for the dinner. In the meanwhile, Hayden was in a sort of shock. He kept on whispering something to himself that even I with my werewolf hearing couldn't pick up.

"I ordered dinner" My Mate whispered in my ear and I gave him a slight nod, my eyes fixed on my brother, who had such a vulnerable look on his face.

My brother looked vulnerable. Hayden, the man who kissed away my boo boos when I was a kid, looked vulnerable. It made me want to punch a bitch.

The bell rang, and I smelt food, so I allowed my Mate to go open the door as I went to my brother and sister in law.

"Hades?" I knelt in front of him and took his hand in mine giving him a smile.

"I found her bro. everything will be alright now" I promised.

"I am gonna be a dad" He said, sounding like he was in awe.

"And Becs is gonna be a Mom" I patted Becs' knees.

"And you are gonna be an aunt. And mom and dad are gonna be grandma and grandpa" Hayden was on a roll, and Becs just couldn't hold back her smile.

"Do you... do you think that Van being a vamp will... hurt the baby?" I asked biting my lip, not being able to hold in my worries anymore.

My Mate took that moment to come back and he answered my question, "I looked into it, Sugar and because Van turned after she was impregnated, the baby will be just fine. As a matter of fact, her being pregnant with a shifter's kid is also the reason why she doesn't has as strong an urge to drink blood as the other newly-turned vamps" My Mate, the know-it-all.

"You sure?" I asked on behalf of Becs, who was still looking very concerned.

"If you want Rebecca, I can mail you the contact details of some experts that I consulted about your situation and you can confirm with them" Spice said smoothly and with a nod to Hayden, he left to put away the bags of food.

"Van will be here any minute now guys. Don't get all emotional on her ass, okay?" I patted their knees as I left them to go find my Mate and ask him to forward me the contact details of the experts too.

What? I am a concerned aunt too!

Oh My Moon! I am going to be an aunt!!!!!!

And my Mom will be a Grandma! And Daddy will be a Grandpa!!!!

This is all so cool-

Wait a minute. Does Mom know about this?

I smiled to myself, imagining all sorts of things she'll do to Hayden and Becs if they have kept this away from her. I'll get my revenge too!


Sorting out my brother's life was easier than I had anticipated. Van was all too happy and sob-by when she came by my house, apologising n number of times to my brother and Becs for keeping their baby away from them, but since Spice and I had already filled them in on the story, they were quick to forgive her.

Van was kind of wary accepting the job that Spice offered her, but once I explained to her about how we won't be much in the office for the coming couple of weeks, and how we are slacking behind because of my mistake and once she sees just how much I need her to take this job, she is in.

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