Chapter #26- Heat (1.5)- When the Alpha turns into a blackmailer.

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Chapter #26- Heat (1.5)- When the Alpha turns into a blackmailer.

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

"Why did Gray not charge me for the phone? You told him not to, didn't you?!" I snap at Alpha Ulysses once we are seated back in his car.

"No, I didn't" He steers the car out of the lot.

"Bull shit! I told you not to do it" I whine.

"I did not tell Gray anything, Mate! Don't you trust me?" He is looking right in my eyes with his own intense ones.

"Damn it! Eyes on the road" I warn and am the first one to look away, glaring out of the window.

"You didn't answer me, do you trust me?" He asks, his words having a tense undertone.

"You need to tell him to send me the bill. I will pay for it from my paycheck by the end of the month. Or better yet, you should pay for it because you were the one who broke my phone"

"You don't trust me, do you?" The car comes to a halt with screeching tires.

I open my door to get out of the car, but once I realize that he has stopped the car in the middle of the road, I freeze.

"What the hell?" He is already facing me, his face neutral.

"Why don't you trust me, Mate?" His eyes flit across my face, as if searching for something.


"Is it because of what happened 14 years ago?"


"You should know Mate, I never intended to hurt you" his voice is so soft, feather-like.


"I'd tell you why I did what I did, but Selene has requested me to confess only after you are done with this heat-"

"Alpha!" I cut him off, "It's not you, okay? It's just... I am not very giving when it comes to trust, okay? I trust only a select few people, yes?"

"And I am not amongst them few people, am I?" His voice carries so much sorrow that it is physically palpable to me.


"It's okay Mate. I understand...."

"I am glad you do, Alp-"

"Actually, I don't. I don't understand why you don't trust me when you are the only person in this world that I blindly trust" He is almost talking to himself.

"Alpha!" I snap loudly, wanting to get him out of his gloomy daze.

"Yes, Mate?" He is looking at me with wide eyes.

"I don't trust my own self, okay?! How do you expect me to trust you? How the hell do you expect me to do that when the person who taught me how to trust is all the way in Canada?" I don't look in his eyes, and stare at the windshield as I let out all the steam in me, aware that most of the things I say are under the influence of heat.

"He is the only one who deserves my trust, you understand? He and Mel, and Hayden and Becs, and a couple more of my friends. My parents- somewhat. They are the people I trust because I know that even when I am on the path of self destruction, they will bring me back; whereas you? You pushed me towards the path of self destruction! So how the fuck am I supposed to trust you? Please enlighten me" I sneer.


"Don't you 'Mate' me!"

"Shut up Delilah! You are my Mate! I will call you Mate or whatever else I want whenever I feel like, understand? I am fucking tired! Tired of being nice to you when all you've been doing is pushing me away! Tired of hearing from you how I've destroyed you when you don't even know what the hell happened while you were gone!" He is shaking me by my shoulders, his hold so tight that I am sure it's gonna leave a bruise.

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