Chapter #24- How do mates make up after a lovers' spat?

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Song: Dusk till Dawn by ZAYN ft Sia.

I love this song. I really really really do. My heart is like 😍😍😍😍😍

Chapter #24- How do mates make up after a lovers' spat?

"Get up!" I can do only so much to not jump at Bas and strangle him.

"But I just started eating!" Mel groans with some bacon sticking out of her mouth.


"Not you! BAS!!!!!" I growl, ignoring my mate who is scowling at me.

"Just because your mate allowed you on your feet, does not mean we have to join you too" Bas said, with food sticking out of his mouth.

Here's the worst quality all my friends possess- They speak with their mouth full. No table manners. At all.

One might argue that they are part animals, but still!

Gross is gross.

"You have to go get your girlfriend back from Taggart" I hiss.

"Girlfriend?" Mel glares at Bas because he steals all the prawns from the bowl.

"I have a girlfr-? My Moon... these are like the best damn prawns I have ever had" He moans which only makes Mel glare harder.

"I am going to kill him" Mel tells me, this time her mouth void of food. Thank the Moon for small blessings.

"Please do... after 3 months" I say, because I need Bas alive for at least three months, to act as Van's doting boyfriend, so that Tag can be stopped from doing something stupid.

Something tells me that that is just my wistful thinking, but I am still going to cling to it.

Even Tag won't chase after a taken woman, right? Right???

"Sebastian" My Mate only has to take his name for him to tense.

"If you don't hold your end of the deal, you might as well be assured that I won't hold my end too" My Mate stands, places a hand at the small of my back and starts to steer me out of the room.

I hear Mel asking anout what deal my mate is talking about, and Bas choking on his food, followed by a stream of cusses, most in spanish, and then him saying, "Gotta go find my favorite girlfriend and make sure she doesn't go to bed empty stomach"

"Is that a not so subte jab at me to stop eating?" Mel sounds confused and I smile as I allow my Mate to lead me up the stairs.


"What are we doing here again?" I ask Spice as I wait patiently for him to turn away from the window and address me.

Ever since we came into his room, the one he was living in when I stayed at the pack house, he hasn't spoken a word to me, and something tells me that he is mad at me.

Or worse, he is upset because of something I did.

"Remember that night you first came in this room?" He says out of blue, kind of catching me off guard, and I reluctantly peel my eyes away from the painting of the brown wolf, aka Sel, that is hanging on the wall to look at him. Or his back.

"What about that day?" I ask his back. He is still turned away from me, staring outside the window at something I probably won't be able to see.

"Sometimes, I think that it was that day, or more specifically that night... when I made the biggest mistake of my whole damned life" He says it so casually that I am left gaping.

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