Chapter #18- Heat (0.5)

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Chapter #18- Heat (0.5)

(Edited- 21/05/2017)

"You are the worst sister in the world" Hayden's words, though halfhearted, hit me hard.

"I know" I nod my head, ignoring Becs, who is giving me a disappointed look.

"Look Del... I know that you are big enough to take care of yourself... and that with Teague around, I have absolutely nothing to worry about... but I can't. I am your brother... your elder brother... and when you are not in front of my eyes... I worry" his voice is soft, soothing, but his words are strained.

"I'm sorry, Hades" I apologise.

"You should be. You yourself know that you are a walking target to half the supernatural world, and yet you don't take enough precautions!"

"Hades! I know, alright? I know. And that's why I am in this Moon forsaken town, to hide my ass from them! I know..."

"I know you know! And I also know that our parents don't! So when you are off to any of your rendezvous, it is I who has to worry about whether you are gonna return or not! It is I who has to make up excuses about your absence! It is I who has to worry, because you clearly don't care about your life!" He is nearly shouting and my ears hurt.

"Jeez. It was just a trip to Canada" I rub my ears.

"Just a trip to Canada? Did you forget that Canada is neutral land? That those faeries and witches and demons could have hurt you if they'd known you were travelling alone? And you fucking visited Sir Dickolas!" He sneers the last part and that's when I realize why he was so pissed.

Of course he knew that I made a pit stop at Sir Nicholas'.

He was after all friends with Teague.

And Mel must have sensed the tampering with the teleportation circle.

Sometimes I regret introducing the two of them (Teague and Hayden) to each other.

They clicked way too quickly for a dominant male tiger and wolf.


"No Del! I've had enough! I have no idea how you met him but I am damn sure that I dom't appreciate it! I died five deaths in your time there" he spits.

"I am fine Hayden" I try to reassure him, already sensing Spade, his wolf on the surface.

"I really hope you are, because I am not." he murmurs and walks out of my office, not wanting his wolf to lash out on me.

I turn to Becs.

"He is worried, Del. The past week he has done just that. Worry about you. Teague gave a full rapport about your trip there to him, but his wolf is protective in nature. It's the Gamma in him, you know? He protects his pack and hovers over his loved ones. He cares less about his own self than of his family and I. You and I of all people know it better than others, don't we?" She gives me a smile that doesn't reach her eyes and after patting my thigh, she is out.


I walk in Mr. Ryan's (My immediate Boss) office and see Alpha Ulysses standing in a corner, the tension between them thick.

"Alpha" I give him a slight bow, as is expected by me, and then turn to Mr. Ryan with a polite professional smile.

Damn, I hate the man!

His mate died years ago, so now he thinks that he is a free man and is always staring at all the single (and sometimes even mated) ladies.

And not the 'observe' stare.

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