Chapter #39- We lead them towards the future.

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Chapter #39- We lead them towards the future.

(Edited- 22/05/2017)

"What the hell are you all staring at?!" Olivia snarls at the group of women who are standing by the corner, not so discreetly staring at yours truly.

I bet they are having a mind-conversation going on where they are sprouting shit about me.

"Warrior Olivia" One of the woman bows slightly and I barely manage not to roll my eyes.

"Is she really Alpha Ulysses' Mate?" She is asking Olivia as if I am not standing there, beside her.

Olivia growls, "Watch how you are addressing her, Violet"

The said women flinches ever so slightly, but doesn't back down.

Another one steps forward.

"We just want to know what is going on Warrior Olivia. Word is that she is the reason those-" her face turns sour as she practically spits out, "blood suckers came on our land"

Blood hums in my veins but I don't let my emotions get the better of me.
"If she is our Luna and she is also the reason that those leeches came here, then..." The third woman in the trio trails off, fixing me with a glare.

"I dare you to complete that sentence, Kesha" Olivia grits out and I idly crack my knuckles.

"I don't think they are saying anything out of the line, Livy" A new voice joins in, and unlike the other women, I don't turn around to see who has joined the party. Instead, I wait for the person to show her face, while I pretend to stare at my nails.

Damn, I need a manicure.

"Tulia" Liv grits her teeth and I bite the insides of my cheek to try and put a face to the name.

It sounds familiar.

Tulia makes her way in front of me and props her hip out as she gives me a stare down. It's her pretty face and all that long blonde hair that reminds me who she is.

I let out a low whistle when I figure that she is Damon's Mate. The Beta Female of our pack.

I smile at her, but she doesn't return it.

Instead, her eyes are narrowed in my direction as she says, "If she is going to be a danger for the pack-"

"Mind your own business, Tulia" Olivia spits and my eyes volleyball between the two women. They don't seem like they are friends...

"You slut-" Pretty Tulia's face turns ugly when she says that, and I realize I have had enough. I am not a fan of Olivia, and the two of us are not going to braid each other's hair anytime soon, but I know she cares for me. And she is my Mate's friend and is probably my best friend's 'The One'.

I can't let Pretty Tulia get away with calling names to her. Yeah, I have loyalty issues.

"Back off" I smile as I say that, but the power my words are backed with... well, only an idiot would be able to ignore it.

And what do you know? Pretty Tulia is indeed an idiot.

Because what she does next is something one should never, ever do.

She takes a step towards me and shoves me back. "What did you just say?" She hisses.

I am too stunned that she laid her hands on me that I almost don't catch her words. Almost.

"You are a nobody. A fucking nobody. You don't get to talk to me like that. Not after today's incident with those fuckers" She sneers in my face and damn. I know I am losing it.

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