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Before you start reading... and complaining about how sort this part is, let me tell you, this is just like... well sorta like a bonus bonus.

It's not exactly related to the story... Actually, you know what, just read it.

Next update will be on 7 April i.e. Friday.

Also, next Alpha Ulysses' POV- 2K votes.


(Edited- 21/05/2017)

Alpha Ulysses' POV

What do you think is the most difficult part of being a wolf?

The shift?

It's as easy as a pie for me.

The training?

I love it. That's the only time I can think about something other than her. Okay, that's a lie. I think about her while training too, but... besides thinking about her, I also pay attention on what the Elders are teaching me.

The mind link?

You know when your mind buzzes constantly because too many people are using it at once?

It's... bearable.

Hiding your identity from humans?

We've been doing it for ages. Humans are kinda dumb, no offense.

So what is the most difficult part of being a wolf?

I'll give you the answer to that....

Having a Mate.

I know what you are thinking, this guy is a contradiction walking on legs! But hear me out.

If you are a human... or any other supernatural being who does not have a predestined Mate, then you are kinda free. From yourself.

You don't have to worry about anyone other than yourself, and if you choose,  you can be your first priority. You can live for yorself, breathe for yourself and well... if you want, you can even break your better half's heart. (You'd be a huge asshole if you choose to do that. Just sayin'!)

Everything is okay. Kinda.

If not, then at least things are in your control. Sort of.

But werewolves?

We are far from free! And no, I am not talking about wolves being bounded to their Alphas.

I am talking about wolves being bounded to their Mates.

No matter what you want, your first priority will always be your Mate. It just will. There is some sort of scientific reason behind that, say some (werewolf) psychologists... something about some sort of hormones reacting on your amygdala and pitituary... but let's leave science out of this, okay?

When you are a wolf, and you have a Mate, you don't just have to care for yourself. You have to care for them too.

Their thoughts matter above all. You want to impress them and make sure they love you as much as you do. (No matter that they don't have any other choice)

You get insanely jealous when they as much as look at another male and you act out. (Sometimes you get jealous for no reason at all...)
You get into fights and you basically lose sense when it comes to them.

Above all, you live for your Mate.

You breathe for your Mate.


An excellent example to explain this to you would be of my Grandfather.

He couldn't stay away from his Mate. Couldn't control himself around her. Eventually ended up mating with her when she was only 16.


My father was born nine months later. And on the same day, both my Grandparents said goodbye to this earth.

Yeah... see? Having a Mate is the hardest thing of being a wolf.

They die. You die.

End of story.

So what is the best part of being a wolf?

I don't even need to think about that.

The answer is that obvious.

Having a Mate. Duh.

Walking contradiction, told you!

Okay, on a more serious note, I am just stating a fact.

I can give you what, two, three, maximum five-six reasons as to why having a Mate is the hardest thing about being a wolf, but I can give you infinite reasons about why it is the best.

I mean, come on!
You have a freaking Mate, for crying out loud.

Someone to love for your whole damn life.

Someone to come home to.
Someone you can call home.

Someone who loves you as much as you love them.

Someone to catch you when you fall.

Someone to be by your side forever.

Okay, I can go on for decades about why your Mate is the best side of you, but I'll tell you one thing.

They are the most precious side of you.

The fear that you might lose them is a constant companion, but one thing that's to be remembered is; don't let your fears ruin what's the best thing that has happened (will ever happen) to you.

The fear that you might lose them is a constant companion, but one thing that's to be remembered is; don't let your fears ruin what's the best thing that has happened (will ever happen) to you

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If you like teen fiction and my writing style, do me a huge favour and check out The Good Boy. Pleaseeee.

You will find it on my profile and I will love you forever if you read it!


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