Chapter #25- A Night of Revelations.

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I have college tomorrow hence I am updating today.

College on a freaking Sunday!!!! Who keeps college on a sunday? Apparently my physical chemistry sir.

Song- Too Much to Ask- Niall Horan.

My bae released my new favorite song❤
Y'all better listen to it.

The full album will be out on October 20 and it sucks for me because I have my exams so my Ma will kill me if I buy the album before exams 😕

I recon I can ask someone to gift it to me as my birthday falls in the first week of November. (Aka still during my exams😓)

Chapter #25- A Night of Revelations.

I know it is bugging the hell out of my mate that I am looking for Tag and Van more than I am looking for intruders who would be stupid enough to cross the Ash Moon borders, but I can't get myself to stop. Or care enough.

"Where are they?" I mutter under my breath and I feel my Mate yawn beside me. The two of us are sitting idly on a thick branch of an old tree, our legs dangling from the branch.

"Sleeping? Like anyone with sense does at 3:15 in the morning?" He says around another yawn.

"Oh shut up, you" I hiss as I let my eyes roam again to look for them.

"Sugar... the two of them must have separated 5 hours ago. I don't think Sebastian would be stupid enough to give them any more time together if he knows it will make me waver from my promise to help him take over his father's pack" My Mate says for the nth time, and I turn towards him.

"That reminds me, you still haven't told me how you knew that that was Bas' Achilles' heel..." I give him a penetrating look and he sighs, "I know every Alphas' and to be Alphas' weak point, especially the ones in North and South America, and Europe... you never know when you'd need allies..."

I look at him with wide eyes, "No kidding!"

"I know it sounds drastic, but it has worked just fine for me till now, and for my Dad before me and for his grandfather before him and for dad's grandpa's dad before-"

"I understand that it is a family tradition?" I cut him off sarcastically with a teasing grin.

He doesn't get that I am joking and instead just nods solemnly, "Something like that"

I whistle and then look up at the sky, all of a sudden wondering if Ed is safe or not. The odds (and experience) tell me that the dragon is 99.99% safe, but it is the 0.01% that is enough to keep me off balance.

"He'll be fine" My mate says and I look at him with narrowed eyes.

"I hate it-" I am cut off when he continues speaking.

"Immortals usually are" He adds.

"Excuse me?" Whom does he think I am thinking about? Is he reading my mind wrong?

"Your dragon friend-" he emphasises on the 'friend' and despite the conversation we are having, I can't help but roll my eyes, "-will be safe or at the very least alive"

"Ed is not immortal" I inform him and then just for his sake add, "Dragon's age slowly, but they are not immortal"

He gives me a look.

"You don't know that Ed is a-" He cuts off abruptly and then blinks.

"Ed is a what?" I probe him.

"Nothing... we should really not talk so much when we are patrolling Mate. At least not loudly... it will tip off the trespassers about our presence" I realize that he is trying to change the subject, but I cannot allow him that luxury.

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