Chapter #31- A Deal With The Devil

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Song- Burning by Sam Smith. 

Chapter #31- A Deal with the Devil.

"Holy fuck! What are those things?" I ask, my eyes not leaving the three monstrosities that are now playing with Ron.

"Language Mate. And those are Hell hounds" My Mate says.

"Hell hounds?" I cringe when I see one of them jump on Ron and lick his face, leaving their disgusting saliva all over him. Ron barely looks fazed, if anything, he looks at ease.

"They guard the doors to the Underworld, make sure intruders don't enter" My mate explains.

"Hmm... they look pleased to see Ron" I state the obvious.

"The demon must visit the Underworld a lot then, like Teague said"


"We don't have much time mate... time passes differently in the Underworld, and I don't want to be absent when the Hyenas attack. Our pack will need us for guidance" My mate tells me, his eyes looking too dark in the brightly lit foyer we are in.

"Yeah" I nod, not wanting the war to happen in the first place.

"Let's get moving" How Ron came to us so quickly is a mystery, but his eyes don't look as dangerous as they did before.

"Uh... are you sure that those things won't pound us?" I ask, unconsciously taking cower behind my mate. As ironic as it sounds, I am a cat person, and those things don't look feline to me.

"Believe me when I say this T's little friend, they want to..." One of the hound growls loudly, making me jump out of my skin. "But they won't. Not when I am with you" Ron smirks.

"They touch even a hair on my mate's body and I will tear them apart. Stay warned demon" My Mate promises and Ron gives him a look.

"I just said that they won't attack"

"Order them to leave" My Mate stares the demon right in the eye.

Ron snorts, "They only listen to the King"

"And you" My Mate dares him and the demon is the first one to look away.

"Scatter boys" The demon says after a beat and sure enough, the hounds scamper off with one last sneer our (my mate and mine) way.

"That was interesting" I remark to break the tension that has suddenly prevailed after the hounds are out of my sight.

Ron gives me a look, turns, and starts walking, with us following behind him; my mate seething for some reason.


I have no idea how long we walked, my eyes not even taking in my surrounding on the long hike, but when my legs start shaking, I don't pretend to be tough anymore and allow them to buckle, falling down on the tiled floor.

"Sugar!" Spice is beside me in a second, his face a mask of panic, his eyes brimmed with fear as he looks at me trying to see what happened to me.

"She is fine-" Ron starts to say, but one look from my mate, and he wisely keeps his mouth shut.

"Are you fine, Mate?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"My feet are killing me" I tell him and then add, "I cannot walk anymore" I know I sound pathetic, but I cannot get myself to care. Not right now.

"Oh" My mate doesn't look convinced. "Are you sure your feet are the only thing that is troubling you?"

"Yeah, Spice" I am curious why he is so worried.

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