Ch. 14 Summer Love Pt. 2

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Quick Note: I would like to give a big thank you to Sanyabar.. you are the first to vote for my story, so this chapter is dedicated to you! I hope you continue to enjoy the story :)


I had been rushing around all day trying to get everything just perfect. I wanted my time with Ally to be as special as she was. I had this deep desire to make her smile, I knew that a lot of it was the Mate Bond, but there was another piece, one that I hadn't really given much thought to, which was I had always had a thing for the smart, kindhearted, nerd in my class.

xxx Flashback xxx

It was a simpler time, there were no pack politics, no cliques, we were all just kids in class and we were all friends.

It was Spring's first real good day. We were outside at lunch recess, running around. There was this cute little girl running from her friends, with her pigtails bouncing as she giggled. Her voice sounded like an angel, drawing me in. Next thing I knew the giggle was coming from behind me and then suddenly her hands were on my arm.

"Tag, you're it!" She giggled and ran. I took off after her, but she was good at evading me. She ran around the tree and back to the structure jumping onto the slide, "SAFETY!"

"Nope, there is no safety." I claimed, reached out and tagged here. "You're it!" And I ran off.

Ally had a smile on her face, "Cheater" she laughed at me while getting up, "You better run!" And she once again took off after me. I was determined that she wasn't going to tag me so easily this time, there was no way she was going to catch me.

Just as she was closing in on me, the bell rang, pulling us from our game.

xxx End Flashback xxx

Ally may not be aware of it now, but she was catching me and unlike when we were 7 years old, I wanted to be caught.


At 6pm I pulled up to the front of Allison's house. It was nothing more than a small ranch style house, one that all the pack warriors had once they started their families and moved from the pack house. Her house was tucked in at the end of the street, the lawn was over grown, and it looked like it had been forever since the flowerbeds were weeded. You can see that it's been a long time since someone cared about the upkeep on the home. Ally was an amazing person, always had been, she deserved a home that reflected who she was, not some place with paint peeling off the porch.

Shaking my head to clear my mind, I walked up the steps, which creaked as I put my weight on them, to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later Ally opened the door, "Hi." She said, turning to grab a sweater, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah" I smiled, grabbing her hand. As the warming tingles shot up from my fingers, I squeezed her hand a little tighter. This was a sensation that I loved, it was becoming addicting. I never wanted to stop it, I never wanted to let her go.

As we got to my truck, I reluctantly let her hand go and opened the door, just before she went to climb in, I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into me. Without a second thought my lips were on hers, at first Ally was surprised but then her lips molded to mine. Shockwaves pulsed through our bodies, I knew she was feeling them too, as she put her arms around my neck and pulled me in ever so much closer.

Allison pulled away, smirking "What was that for?" she said breathlessly.

"Because your beautiful. Because I wanted to. Because your mine." I couldn't make up my mind as to which reason was the correct reason, so I just gave her all of them. Letting her go, she climbed into the truck and I closed the door and walked around to climb into the driver's side.

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