Ch. 47 Georgia

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A/N: Sorry I have not been able to get as many updates out this week, things have been crazy with work! 

We are now going to really get into the end of the story now, a lot of the questions you have will be answered in the last several chapters. I only hope that I truly do justice to the story and how it is playing out in my head. 

So far I have rewritten a couple of the future chapters, not quite happy with them which is causing my delay and willingness in publishing them.

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The kids had all fallen asleep on the plane ride, which was in our favor because then we did not need to occupy them and keep them quiet. Honestly it was a relief and something that I had been worried about as we boarded our flight earlier. Yet, even though things were going smoothly on the flight and nothing seemed amiss I could not help this gnawing feeling that I had, something just felt off.

I was trying to watch the inflight movie but couldn't focus. "You alright?" Missy asked from across the aisle. "Looks like he is good." Pointing toward a sleeping and drooling Tim.

"Yeah, not many places he can not fall asleep. But I am alright. " I answered her.

"Allison, you are bouncing your leg and I have seen you chew off 2 of your nails. What's wrong? " Missy was an observant one.

"I honestly do not know Missy. Something just feels off. Call it woman's intuition, something big is going to happen. "

Missy chuckled a bit and shook her head, "Of course something big is going to happen. You are all going to meet my family for the first time. And my cousin's mate, you know I have never even seen a picture of her. How strange is that ?! And a wedding! A wedding is a big thing! "

Missy was trying to brush off my anxiety as just meeting new people, which in my defense I do not particularly like to do, but I have not felt like this in a long time. Each time I had; I had always wished that I had listened to my gut. And here I was again, not listening, which was putting me even more on edge.


Stepping out of the airport we were greeted by the hot Georgia air, there was a weight to the air that the cooler New England air didn't hold. We only had to wrangle the pups for a few minutes before the rental cars, driven by Tim and Linc pulled up. Taking the car seats that we had checked off the luggage carts, we loaded up and got out of the airport.

"Hungry! Mommy, I hungry!" Came little chants from the back seat of our rented Yukon.

"Yeah, you want food, huh?" I said, looking back at my pups, they were nodding their little heads, their curls bouncing as they did.

"Okay, I hear ya! Next stop McDonald's." I didn't particularly care for the fast food chain, but I knew it was familiar to the pups, so it was the easy choice to make.

"Yay! Nuggets!" Again, they cheered together, it was cute and scary to see how alike they really were. Eli and Emma shared a connection that I could not begin to truly understand. Ever since they were born, they were inseparable, often times refusing to sleep unless they were in the same bed together. It made happy to see that they were so close, I only hoped that as they grew up, they never lost the connection that they had.

"What are you thinking about, Nemo?" Tim grabbed my hand with his right one, lacing our fingers together as she navigated the Yukon out of the McDonald's parking lot. The pups now quiet as they munched on their Happy Meals.

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