Ch. 41 Baby Time Blues

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A/N: Hi to all my wonderful readers! I just wanted to take a moment to let you all know that I appreciate you all!!! Update 4 of 5 this week! WHOOOO! 

This one is a bit of a filler, but necessary to get us from point A to point B, we all need a little light and fluffy now and then. 

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"Tim, I'm so sick of this!" I whined, "My feet hurt, my back hurts, and I am hot!" I pouted throwing myself onto the couch dramatically.

Tim walked out of his bedroom, tossing the t-shirt in his hand over his shoulder, leaving his chiseled chest and abs free for viewing. Damn, my husband was sexy, I thought to myself as he sat on the couch next to me, pulling my legs onto his lap and dotingly starting rubbing my feet. "Mmmm," I groaned in satisfaction letting my head fall back on the pillow as I enjoyed the attention Tim was giving me.

"Why are you so whiney today?" He asked.

"I'm tired of packing and cleaning, I want to be done! I'm so sick of it; I hate moving and that's all I've done for the last year is move. " I rolled my eyes at him, "You should know this." I gave him an exasperated sigh.

"You know this has been planned. We are moving back to the pack lands, to our house. The one we are going to raise our pups in. We have already been through this. You only have to move one more time. " He said, reiterating the same conversation we had over and over.

"I know." I whined again as I looked over my swelling belly. "I just don't like moving! It's so hot! You have no idea what it's like to be a human furnace in the summer. "

Tim chuckled at me as he moved his attention to my second foot. "Tell me what's really bothering you my love."

We sat silently for a few minutes, before answering. I didn't like that I was upset, I really wish I could just let it go, "I got the letter back, return to sender. He didn't even read it, Tim. "

"Ah, so that's it. I wish you would stop letting this eat you up. It's not good for you or the pups. " Tim placed his hand on my growing belly and gently rubbed it, a motion he has come to learn instantly calms me. "We said we would try to tell him, and you did. You can honestly say that you have tried. Between the emails, the letters, and McKenna's mother you have tried to reach out. "

He was right, as always, we had tried, I had tried. Mrs. Jones had even tried to reach out to him, but with no luck, every time she said he refused to even speak to her about me. I just nodded, knowing that Tim was right. I needed to stop letting this eat me up. There was nothing I could do if Tate didn't want to hear from me.

As much as there is a part of me that wanted to know him, there was another part, the protective motherly part that didn't want him anywhere near the pups. Tim and I didn't need him trying to mess up the life we ​​were building for ourselves. Not to mention the fact that there is no way I would want someone like Kimber to live in my pups either. Him not responding to me was really win-win.

"I know, thank you." I smiled at Tim, "You are always my voice of reason. I love you. " I pulled my legs off Tim's lap and set them on the floor, struggling to sit up. "Uhhh, lets get this finished. This August heat is getting to me. " I wiped the sweat that was already forming on my brow.


As we finished cleaning up the dorm, packing the last couple of boxes into the truck we drove to our new home. Well, for Allison it was new, for me it was a home that had a lot of memories, memories I was happy to be able to share with our pups as they grew up.

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