Ch. 30 Cleaning up and clearing out

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A/N: Hello Everyone! I was hoping to have this update out yesterday, but alas it was not meant to be. 

Next update will be out by Friday. Let me know what you think! What do you think is going to happen?!? There are some revelations coming in the next chapter *wink *wink

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Wednesday morning when I woke up, I felt different, lighter. Like a weight had been lifted off me, don't get me wrong there was still a gap whole in my chest, but it was more bearable than it had been the previous days. I had been able to make it through several hours of people fretting over me, giving me hugs, and passing along their condolences. I was even lucky enough not to have to deal with Tate, Kimber, or Alpha Blackwell. I am sure it was Alpha Blackwell's doing, not wanting Tate to be near me and if Kimber were around, I am sure I would have torn her apart. My wolf has been very on edge, which is completely understandable.

I was working on packing my room and organizing the things I was going to donate when McKenna came in, "Hey girl, I'm going to have to go home tomorrow." The hesitation in her voice, letting me know that she didn't want to have to tell me.

"That's alright. I only have a few days left of things to do here; my room will be done today. Tomorrow I am going to work on the Kitchen. Friday and Saturday, I figure I will work on my parents' room. Then Sunday I am going to take everything to the pack thrift store that I am getting rid of. Monday is the dump and cleaning. Tuesday I will be taking everything else to the storage unit and returning the U-Haul. " I said laying out the plans for everything.

"I can see if Missy can come out? Or Tim? " She offered. "I really don't want to leave you alone."

"I'm not going to be alone. If I need anything, I have your mom here. Don't worry about me McKenna, I appreciate it and love you for it, but you really don't have to feel guilty about having to go home. You are a Luna; you have to be there for your pack. " I reassured here. "I have this all worked out, you know me and my schedules."

"Allison, you are really too good of a person! Even though I am here to support you, here you are making me feel better. What would I do without you? " McKenna said.

"I don't know, cause I have no idea what I would do without you." I responded, pulling her into a sisterly hug, "Thank you for everything! I love you, Sweet Pea. "

"I love you too, Jolly." She hugged me back even tighter.


With McKenna gone the small house that I grew up in now felt like a mansion. She had gone less that 24-hours and I was feeling lonelier than I have ever felt before. I know I could call Gail and she would be here in a second, however I just couldn't bring myself to pull her away from her life again to help me with mine. Even though I had a support network, and I knew I did, it was still time for me to stand on my own two feet, I needed to be strong for myself. I needed to know that I could handle the world on my own.

Bringing boxes into my parents' room I decided I had procrastinated long enough; it was now or never. Deciding to start with my father's dresser I sorted through his clothes. There were not many left anymore, I had looted most of them over the years, still wearing his t-shirts to sleep in. Since I had no use for any of his pants, I placed them in the box to donate. Other than keeping some more of his shirts, there was nothing I wanted.

I opened the top drawer of his dresser, having saved it for last. This is where he kept all his small trinkets. Nothing of monetary value, but value to him. Small pictures, drawings I had made when I was little, a couple of Father's Day cards, my favorite being the clay pot that I had made him in 2nd grade. All of the things are brining a smile to my face. I safely placed them in my mementos box, saving the special memories.

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