Ch. 26 Break it

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A/N: So like I said yesterday I have been on a writing frenzy. That just means you my lucky readers are getting back to back updates :)

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Enjoy your weekend!!



It's like they say, two steps forward, one step back. I thought I was in a place where I was okay with not being with Tate and knowing he was with Kimber. However, their unexpected stop to the territory really shook me to my core. It showed me that I wasn't as over him as I thought I had been. As a result, I had retreated back into my shell a bit.

I was extremely lucky that I had friends that understood, both Tim and Missy left me alone on Sunday, giving me time to process everything. I was especially thankful to Tim, not only was he not upset for me not telling him about Tate earlier, but he also confided in me. It really seemed to have connected us more, brought us closer together in our friendship. Moving to the East Coast for school had turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

Monday morning came and I got up at my usual time and got ready for my early morning shift. I was going to have to speak to my supervisor today, giving them my notice. Before running out of my dorm room this morning, I quickly typed a resignation letter, printed it out using Tim's printer, and signed my name. As soon as I walked into the four-story brick building, I was greeted with the sterile antiseptic smell that most medical facilities had. Janice my supervisor was sitting at the front desk.

"Good Morning Janice." I greeted her walking up to the white laminate counter.

"Allison, what are you doing here?" She asked with genuine curiosity.

I looked here, very confused. "I have a shift this morning. Or did I read the schedule wrong? "

"Oh, dear, after I spoke with Alpha Andrew's I just assumed you wouldn't be returning here, so I took you off schedule." She said and then winked at me.

"I had a feeling something like this was going to happen. I had really intended on giving my notice before leaving. " I knew that Linc and McKenna were going to influence me leaving this job early.

Janice spoke again, "I'm sorry for the confusion. We have loved having you here and there are many residents who are going to miss you. " She said, "I hope you enjoy your new position at the pack clinic."

"Thank you, Janice. I truly appreciate how welcoming you have been here." Janice then quickly walked around the counter and gave me a quick hug. I then handed her my facility ID card and she walked with me to the employee area, where I cleared out my locker, which only happened to contain a couple of pictures and a set of workout clothes.

"We wish you the best of luck in your new job, Allison. It has truly been a pleasure working with you." Janice said as I walked out the door.

With the surprise, well I guess really non-surprise, of not having to work I decided to make my way to the local mixed martial arts club that Tim had once told me about, since I just so happened to have a change of clothes with me. Luck seemed to be on my side today as it had been many weeks since I put a proper work out in and now that I was going to actually have some spare time, there was no reason why I couldn't fill it with the one thing that centered me, the gym.

Walking into the gym gave me a bit of nostalgia, the same smell of worn leather, sweat, and dried blood hung in the air, similar to the club from back home. It brought a smile to my face. An older man was reading a news paper behind the worn welcome desk, "Now what is a pretty lady like yourself doing in a place like this?" He questioned, his voice softer than I had imagined it would be.

My Mate, My LunaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ