Ch. 33 Honey, I'm Home

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A/N: Good Morning my lovely readers! I hope that this chapter brings joy to your hearts, I know that made me very happy to write. 

I have absolutely loved all the comments, they bring me a level of joy I cannot describe. There is so much more to come and enjoy :)

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Three days. Three emotionally and physically exhausting days. That was how long it took for me to get back to Haven Woods. During those three days I barely slept, stopping one night at a hotel so I could shower. The other nights I didn't even get off the highway instead choosing to sleep in the seat of the U-Haul. Sleeping in rest areas in front of a U-Haul is the most uncomfortable thing and I wouldn't recommend it, my body was stiff from the contorted ways I had slept. Lily was itching to let her stretch her legs and loosen our aching muscles.

As I drove down the highway, I was able to work through many things. Working through all of my emotions with the use of music, music has always had a way of soothing my broken and tattered soul. Often times letting me express myself with the touch of a button. By the time I had rolled up to Haven Woods Territory I knew what I was doing, I knew what I wanted. I felt a renewed vigor, a sense of purpose and belonging. I felt almost as if I had been reborn.

As I pulled up to the guard shack, I rolled down the driver side window. The guard opened the door and came walking out, "Patrick?" I questioned; a bit confused as to why he was on gate duty.

"Yes." He said.

"What are you doing on gate duty?"

"Umm... I may have... um... Missy didn't..." He stuttered through his explanation, getting flustered and turning red. I just gave him the you're trying to bull shit me look and then he played the truth. "Missy kept me up all night the other night, which meant I dragged through my alarm making me late to an important meeting and then I fell asleep in the meeting. So Linc is punishing me by embarrassment of having to do front gate duty for a week. " I bit my lip trying to hold back and not laugh.

Finally, I got the only question on my mind, "What did Missy have you do that kept you up all night?"

"Nothing!" He all but shouted at me, too quickly. Letting me know he was hiding something, so I gave him the don't lie to me look and he caved again, he was too easy. "She was making me a mannequin for a dress that she is making." Now, this time I was unable to hold back, and I laughed out loud at the image of Patrick in a dress. This earned me a glare from Patrick.

"Sorry," I said, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. "Sorry. I won't laugh anymore. " And I wiped a few tears that had formed in the corners of my eyes from my laughing fit.

Rolling his eyes at me he said, "Go on up. Everyone is waiting for you. " As I pulled away, I started laughing again, prompting Patrick to yell his hands cupped around his mouth, "I CAN HEAR YOU LAUGHING !!! AND BY THE WAY, WELCOME HOME! " I smiled at hearing him call this place home. He was right, I was home. As I pulled through the gates, I felt a sense of belonging, of family. It made me genuinely happy.

As I was pulling up to the pack house everyone was outside waiting for me. Tim was the first person I saw, he was standing at the bottom of the steps bouncing back and forth on his feet, almost like he was nervous. McKenna and Linc were at the front door and Missy was standing in the doorway waving wildly at me. It brought a smile to my face, I realized as I looked at them that these people were my people.

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