Ch. 16 Time Flies

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The next few weeks seems to fly by. Before I knew it, I was in the last week of my LNA class, and I had passed with flying colors. This meant I had one more week before I left for college. The realization finally hit me that summer would be over, and I would be headed off to college. I would be away from Tate. I was not ready for this, I was not ready to leave home, my mother, or him. Our sleepy little town was where everything I loved and cherished was. The only thing that was making this easier was knowing that McKenna was going to school with me, albeit for a different major, but we would be in school together.

McKenna walked into my room and jumped on my bed, landing next to me. "What's up Jolly?"

"Wow, girl you sound way to happy. I am relaxing, today is the first day of my last week of vacation. No more classes, well for a week that is." I said as I nudged her.

"Well summer is almost over and soon we will be starting a new adventure." She smirked at me, "Think of all the HOT guys!" She was lifting her eye brows up and down as she said this to me.

"Not for me, thanks." I stated, "You know I only have eyes for one."

"Well, he hasn't marked you yet. You never know, things could change."

"Kenz!" I scolded, "We are waiting until after I am done with school. You know if we mark each other now it would be impossible for us to be apart for school." I could not believe that McKenna was suggesting that I could find someone else to be with. Well, technically I could, but I didn't want to, I wanted my mate. The Goddess gives you one person that completes you, but honestly that does not mean that you must be with them, but who wouldn't want to be with their other half? It is just absurd to think that one would want to live a life without feeling completed.

"All I know is I would be claiming him, if he were mine. I wouldn't want any hussy hands all over what's MINE." She emphasized the mine part. "Besides, you may be Mates, but nothing is official until you claim one another. You can still be with other people. Just because he is your Mate doesn't mean that you have to love him and be with him." McKenna shrugged her shoulders.

"Really, hussy hands?" I rolled my eyes at her and we both laughed. "But seriously, we have it worked out. I will come back her to visit on breaks and stuff, and he is going to come out to see me when he can get away." I explained.

"Well I hope for your sake that it works. Long distance is hard, I hope he is worth the trust and faith you are giving him." My heart sank at what McKenna was saying.

"I know he is, he is my mate. He wouldn't do anything to break my trust." I replied, hoping with every fiber of my being that I was right. Would Tate really find someone else to be with? I know that he had Kimber, but that was before? Wasn't it? I guess I had only assumed, it isn't something that we had talked about. Shaking off the thoughts that were now consuming me, thank you McKenna, I refocused on what she was saying.

"...Anyway, we need to go shopping and get our necessities sent out to the school, so they are there when we get there." I hope the first part of what she was saying wasn't important, since I didn't hear it. McKenna said pulling me off my bed and out the door.

"Fine! Let's go shopping. I need to stock the house with food for mom too." I cringed, I really hated shopping.


What felt like hours later I was finally home! Thoroughly exhausted I sank down into the sofa and let out a huff of air. I HATE shopping, I swear McKenna drug me to fifty different stores, okay well that was a bit of an exaggeration, but it felt like fifty!

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