Ch 22. Finding Nemo

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A / N: So I got bit by the writing bug this week! Not sure how long I can keep this up ;)

Here is another chapter for you, hopefully this one is a bit more fun than the last couple.

Let me know you thoughts! Where do you think things are going? What do you want to see happen?

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The plane ride was uneventful and honestly a bit sad. I was moping the whole time thinking about Tate. I truly missed him and wanted to run back to him, forgiving him for everything. But even more than that I was upset with myself. I was always independent and now I felt like I was relying on someone else for my happiness and it made me angry at myself.

McKenna had even taken to not talking to me. She hated when I was like this, because there was nothing she could do to help pull me out of them. There was nothing anyone could do. It was something I needed to do myself, and I would, eventually. Until then she would treat me with kid gloves, which in many ways I resented because I was neither fragile nor breakable, but all the same I appreciated it because she did it out of her love and friendship for me. McKenna was an amazing friend, but more than that she was my sister, not by blood but by heart.

As the plane taxied off the runway for us to exit the plane, the pilot's voice over the speaker drew my attention away from my thoughts of Tate. "Good Evening Passengers! I hope you all enjoyed your flight! Another ten minutes and we will be ready for you to disembark. You can all fasten your seatbelts and start gathering your carryon luggage. "

With the final words of the pilot the entire plane seemed to come to life. Everyone started getting up and stretching, reaching for their bags in the over head compartments. I reached down and picked up my purse, checking to make sure that anything I had taken from it for the flight was safely tucked back into it. I also scoped McKenna's area to ensure she had everything of hers, she was known for forgetting things. Tapping her shoulder, she looked at me, I simply pointed to the floor where her headphones were sitting.

"Oh, thank you! I would be lost without those. " She smiled at me. I returned a slight laugh and shook my head at here. How this one survives I don't know, Goddess help her mate when they find each other. He sure is going to have his hands full.

"Mate" Lily whined in the recesses of my mind.

I snapped at Lily, "ENOUGH! He made his choice and it wasn't us."

She growled at me, letting me know she didn't like being scolded. Sighing I said, "Sorry Lily. I know you miss him, I do too. I love him too. But he wants something different."

Lily then huffed at me, "If we ever see that Kimber again, I will rip her eyes out!" I could hear the sass and attitude coming from Lily. Although it was funny how she was huffing about I knew that the threat was real, that until we were both able to move on from Tate that she could be a very real threat.

Shaking my head, I cleared my mind. I was not going to think about this. I was starting over, starting fresh. This was my new adventure. I was determined that I was going to move on, maybe it would take me a little bit, but I would do it! I was going to find where I belonged in the world, without my mate.


Stepping off the plane was like setting foot into a whole new world. It wasn't a whole lot different than our home, however there were more humans. Our town and the surrounding areas were more wolf than human, so that might take a bit to get used to. We would have to censor ourselves a bit more here.

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