Ch. 46 Life Goes On

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A/N: Happy Tuesday! Sorry that I did not get this out yesterday, it was a crazy day! I am still going to try to update three chapters this week, but for sure at least one more will be coming out on Thursday.  

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"Mommy! Mommy! " Little fists were banging on the bathroom door.

"Five more minutes, baby. Tim! " I hollered, quickly trying to finish my shower. No answer.

"Mommy! Mommy! " The little voices sang from the other side of the bathroom door.

Ugh, I sighed to myself, I guess I do not get to shave my legs today. I quickly rinsed my body and hopped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my hair and grabbing my terrycloth bathrobe. I opened the bathroom door, "Mommy!" They squealed at me in delight.

"Yes, Mommy." I smiled at my twins, their blonde curly hair bouncing as they did. Elias and Emmerson had grown so quickly, looking at them every day I could see how much of Tate they held, same hair color and their green eyes were the same shade of emerald. "Where is Daddy?"

"Daddy, trouble." Eli said, Emma giggled holding her tiny hand over her face. It was astounding to think how much they had grown in the past three years, no longer wobbly as they walked and starting to string sentences together.

"Why what did Daddy do?" Tim said, walking into the bedroom with a blue squirming bundle in his hands. Taking in the scene before him he realized what had happened, "They were banging on the bathroom door again?"

"Bingo, Daddy. You were supposed to keep them occupied so Mommy could shower. " I lifted my eyebrows in smugness, making Tim smile at me.

"Sorry, but Edison woke up and was screaming, I could not very well leave him." He said innocently, holding out our son as evidence. Eddie had made his appearance in our family just as unexpectedly as the twins had, but as I looked into his dark brown eyes, I could not imagine our lives without him. In the three months since he was born, he has brought so much joy to our family since his arrival. He was such a happy, easy going baby, I was truly blessed.

Xxx Flashback xxx

"It's only for two nights, Allison." McKenna said to me. "They will be fine I promise."

"Come on, Nemo. It would be nice to have a getaway, just me and you. Plus, we need to celebrate! You are starting your first internship with Doc Stella. " Tim was trying to convince me to go away for the weekend. He already planned everything and had the car packed. It was supposed to be a surprise that I just jumped at, but it did not go according to plan.

Looking at their faces I finally caved, "Fine, let's go. But it is not that big of a deal. I am not even going to be done with my degree, this internship is not a big deal. " I kissed my babies goodbye, on their rosy little cheeks, "Be good for Auntie Kenz and Kunkie." Kunkie is what they Linc, I laugh every time I hear it. "Mommy loves you."

I climbed into the car; Tim follow close behind after he too said his goodbye's. Tim quickly put the car into drive and took off, not giving me a chance to change my mind by jumping out of the car. "Do not worry, Love. They are going to be fine. " He picked my hand up, intertwining our fingers, lifting my hand up he kissed the back of it. "And you should be proud of yourself and everything you have accomplished! We have a beautiful family, a gorgeous home, and you have one HOT husband. " He shrugged, "If I do say so myself." I laughed at him and nudged him a bit, as I rolled my eyes at his humor.

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