Ch. 35 Let's Celebrate

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A/N: How lucky is everyone feeling?!? Three updates so far this week! I am on a roll, sorry if I am spoiling you now. Just forewarning you I am not sure if I am going to be able to keep doing daily updates.

I am super excited with the next few chapters, things are getting interesting *insert witchy cackle here*

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"I'm so tired." I whined, crawling into bed next to Tim.

"Well, midterms are over, and it's Spring Break, so you can get some rest." He said to me, wrapping his arms around me as I snuggled closer.

"OK." I yawned, "I'm just going to take a quick nap." Tim chuckled at me and kissed me on the top of my head. Before darkness could fully envelope me a bouncing and screeching Missy came jumping on Tim's bed, landing between us.

"Ahhhh! WHAT THE HELL? " I screamed, instantly angry that I had been disturbed. I was exhausted and just wanted a nap, I had barely been able to keep my eyes open for my last midterm.

Missy was laying between us, squealing and kicking her legs in excitement. Patrick slowly made his way into the room, looking at us all on the bed shaking his head. "Are you going to share with us why you are so happy?" Tim finally asked.

"Spring Break!" She said. I was now getting more annoyed, I sat up with a frown on my face.

I started to growl, "You jumped on me when I was trying to take a nap to scream Spring Break?"

"Oh, chill." She brushed me off, "What's your panties in a bunch?" Missy squinted her eyes at me, "And no. We are all going to Vegas! EEEEHHHHH! Pack your bags peeps! " Her voice getting louder and louder with every word, assaulting my sensitive hearing.

I groaned, "Nooooooo. This was supposed to be a staycation so I could sleep and relax. " I was whining. Tim was looking at me amused, getting a kick out of my childish behavior. I was just about to start stomping my foot when McKenna walked in.

"DON'T stomp that food Allison Nicoletta Thorpe! Pack a bag, you are going! " She was giving me not only the 'I am your Luna and you will do as you are told look' but also the 'I know what you are trying to do so knock it off look'.

I was even more irritated now; I hated my full name being used! A scowl was plastered on my face. "Ha! Now I know your full name. " Tim chimed in, liking that he now knew, since I had refused to tell him my middle name.

"Don't even think about calling me that." I gave him my most intimidating look, also sharing it with the rest of the people in the cramped quarters. "You all suck!"

"Nemo, relax." Tim said rubbing my back, trying to calm me down. I took a deep breath and relaxed into the soothing motions he was making. "You know it will be fun!" He added.

"Yeah, and besides we're only going for 2 nights. You will have plenty of time to relax after. " Missy contributed.

"Whatever, when do we leave?" I had resigned to my fate of going to Vegas, I knew I would have fun, but right this moment I was tired and just wanted to sleep. The event of the past several weeks and trying to cram for midterms had me completely wiped out. Just sitting on the bed, trying to have this conversation with everyone was hard. My eyes involuntarily closing, I was having to fight myself to stay focused.

"Tomorrow afternoon. We will pick you up at one, the flight is at 4. All accommodations have already been made. " McKenna said. "Hopefully by then you will be in a better mood by then." She said before turning on her heels and walking out of the room, hollering a goodbye over her shoulder as she headed back to the pack house.

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