Ch. 17 Marked

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Sinking into my bed I reached over to my nightstand and grabbed my copy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet , the cover was worn, the pages dog eared, and notes scribbled in the columns showing how much love this book has received. I must have read the play 1,000 times, there was just something about the power of love that they had for one another and willingness to go through all the odds of being together that just spoke to me. Anytime I needed something to distract me, I would go to Romeo and Juliet.

Within a few lines of the play I was completely engrossed, like it was the first time I had read their story, so when I heard a tapping on my window I about jumped out of my skin. Looking towards the window Tate was watching me with amusement in his eyes. I unlocked my window before opening it and hissing at him, "What the hell! You scared the crap out of me! What are you doing here? "

"I wanted to see you before I left. So, I came over. " He shrugged, "Are you going to let me in?"

"You know we have a front door, you could have called and came across like a normal person." I shook my head and moved out of the way so Tate could climb into my window.

Once he was in my room, he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. Then he gave me a quick kiss on the lips, smiled and said, "Well, what would be the fun in that. What were you reading anyway? I was out there for a couple of minutes just watching you wonder if you were ever going to notice. "

I looked at Tate and furrowed my eye brows at him and squinted my eyes, pulling back I said, "You are a creeper." We both chuckled, "I was reading Romeo and Juliet, my all-time favorite!"

"Really?" Tate questioned. "How can the story of love and death be your all-time favorite?"

"It's not just about love and death. It's about a love so true that they would do anything to be together. That they would give the ultimate sacrifice to be together. " I said flatly.

"Umm... I think that..."

"You know what?" I stopped Tate before he could say anymore. "Why don't we just discuss Romeo and Juliet, I can tell we are not going to agree, and I would rather not argue with you. We only have a little while before you leave for your meeting and then I am off to school. " I said putting my arms over his shoulders and planting a kiss on his lips.

"Come on, let's go!" Tate said. "I want to take you somewhere."


"You will see when we get there. If I tell you now you will tell me no. " He stated. Tate went to climb back out the window. Just as he got his leg up to slide out, I yanked on his hand, throwing off his balance. He tried to regain his balance by hopping a bit, but only managed to get closer to my bed before gravity finally won and pulled him over, "What the hell?" He said as I fell over laughing at what I just witnessed.

Tate just glared at me and a few minutes later I was finally able to compose myself enough to answer him, "If we're going to go out, we're going to be normal and use the front door." In time, closing the window and locking it.


About half an hour later we are pulling up to a dark brick building in the middle of down town. Honestly this area looks deserted and I can't see anything other than a bar with a blinking neon light in the window that says Budweiser.

"Look, I'm not sure what you think we're doing, but there's no way I'm going into that dive bar. It looks like I will catch hepatitis in there. " I shook my head at Tate.

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