Ch. 24 Three can keep a secret if two are dead

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A/N: So I thought about waiting another day, but I just couldn't so you dear readers benefit from that. Here is the newest chapter!

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The next few months passed in a blur, I was so busy getting settled in with school and my new job that I barely had any time to breath let alone socialize like a typical college student. By the time I had taken any time to really stop and appreciate anything around me, there was already snow coating the ground and wreaths were being hung around campus.

Just before Thanksgiving McKenna had given up on the university scene and just opted to do some online business classes, that way she would be able to take on her Luna duties but still get her education. That meant I hardly ever saw her at all and with both of our crazy schedules, even less.

"Hey Nemo!" Tim shouted as I walked into the common room, flopping myself on the worn-out couch, my bag hitting the floor with a thunk.

"Hiya Timmy!" I said, he scowled at me calling him that, it was the one name he really hated. I had told him that as long as he called me Nemo, I was going to call him Timmy. Apparently though he didn't hate being called Timmy enough to give up on the ridiculous nickname he had given me.

"You look exhausted." He said.

"Gee, thanks!" I sarcastically muttered, "Nothing like telling a girl she looks like shit." I knew I looked like a hot mess. Between the doubled class load and working and the Senior home I was running on fumes. I stayed up late, got up early, my life was go, go, go all the time. I knew I had bags under my eyes from not sleeping enough and my hair was frazzled, the curly hair curse from not treating it right. But that didn't mean I wanted to remind him about it.

"I'm going to the pack house for dinner tonight. Want to come? " He asked me, turning in his chair to look at me.

It took a few seconds for me to get the energy to answer, but since it was Friday night and I didn't have to work tomorrow I figured there was no reason why I couldn't go, opening my tired eyes, I nodded my head, "Yeah, I would like that."

"I'm going to be leaving in about an hour, if you want to get ready." He said turning back to his work, "Or as soon as I finish this, whichever comes first."

"So, what you're really saying is, get your ass moving and get ready to leave now, because I'm going to be done with this in 5-minutes." You snarked at him.

Laughing he said, "Yeah, something like that." Mustering as much energy as I could I pulled myself off the couch with a groan, my body rebelling at the fact I was forcing it to move. I walked into my bedroom and fixed my hair, put on a clean shirt, and tried to put some makeup on to hide the dark circles under my eyes. Hoping that McKenna didn't notice.

I walked out of my room to Tim closing his textbook, jumping up he turns to me, "Ready to go?"

"Glad I didn't take you up on the hour." I responded and nodded my head. I grabbed my coat and scarf, put them on, and walked out the door ahead of Tim.


As soon as I walked into the pack house, McKenna attacked me. "JOLLY !!!!!" She yelled, "I missed you!" Wrapping her arms around me.

"I've missed you too girl." I said, trying to put as much energy into my words as I could. I didn't want McKenna to know how exhausted I truly was. Thinking about it, I should have known better, McKenna could always see right through me.

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