Ch 21. Coming Home

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A/N: Here is your next update. I caught the writing bug today!

I am curious... Were you expecting this? Let me know!

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The last couple of days of my trip had been slow. I couldn't wait to get home, to see Ally. She was the only thing that had been on my mind. As our flight got closer and closer to home, I became more and more anxious, ready to be there already. To wrap my arms around her, to smack her intoxicating scent of apples and cinnamon, then I would truly know that I was home.

Once our flight landed, I rushed off the plane as quickly as I could and ran as quickly as I could to claim baggage. Unfortunately, the baggage claim was not going as quickly as I knew it would and 10 minutes later, I was still waiting for them to release the luggage. Which gave my father time to catch up to me, "What's your ass on fire?" he said gruffly.

Shaking my head, I answered, "Ready to be home." As flatly as I could.

"Doesn't have anything to do with a curly haired girl, does it?" He questioned.

Knowing how my father was, it didn't really surprise me that he knew about Ally. However, I really didn't want to know him, especially that she was my mate, at least not until I was ready. So again, I flatly replied to him, "No."

Setting his eyes on me, in his true Alpha way, he said, "Are you sure about that? You know lying to your father is unacceptable, lying to your Alpha is worse. "

Feeling the intensity of his gaze, I finally caved. Even with being future Alpha I still didn't have the ability to resist answering, "Fine." You grumbled. "Yes, yes. I want to get home because of a certain curly haired girl. " I slumped my shoulders in defeat.

My father had an amused look come across his face, "So she is your mate?" He asked, but I knew by the way he said it was more of a statement than a question. I just nodded my head. My father just nodded his head and stalked off to the luggage carousel, where our bags were now making their way around for us to pick up.

As we made our way out to my father's car we settled into an uncomfortable silence. I could tell that there was more he had to say, why he was waiting made little sense to me. Unless, he was trying to make me squirm, which he was doing a good job of. Our previous exchange, coupled with my need to see Ally, and the impending doom of the car ride had my anxiety at an all time high, meaning my wolf was also on edge.

I could feel Knox thumping against my restraints, "I need to run! I need to run! Need to see mate! "

"Calm down, Knox!" I scolded him. "We will be home soon and then we will go to Ally."

"Need Ally now. Run! Run to here! "

I knew that if anyone were to look into my eyes, they would be able to see me struggling to control my wolf. I can only imagine that my eyes are changing color rapidly from their usual emerald green to black, hitting every shade of green in between as I tried to reign Knox in. My father spoke snapping me from my internal battle, "Control your wolf boy."

It was just enough to give me something else to focus on, "Don't you think I'm trying?" I snapped. Instantly regretting my tone.

"Don't speak to me like that! Not only and I am your father, I am your Alpha and I will NOT have you speaking in that tone to me. Now control yourself, there are humans around. " My father spits at me, growling so low that only those close to or with enhanced hearing abilities would be able to hear him.

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