Ch. 42 Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin

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A/N: So here it is our final update this week! We are time hopping again :)

Next week as promised we will be hearing from Tate, however we are going to be doing it in 3 parts, there is just so much that has happened 1 chapter just will not be enough. I am thinking updates next week will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and all Tate :)

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"Tonight, is going to be so much fun!" McKenna said as she walked out of the kitchen holding a platter of spookily decorated sugar cookies. She put the platter down on the table and I grabbed one of the cookies shaped like a flying bat.

McKenna slapped my hand, "Will you stop eating the cookies! Those are for the pups! " I smirked at my best friend as I bit the wing off the bat. As soon as she turned her back, I grabbed another cookie, "I saw that!" She chuckled making her way back to the kitchen.

"I know my pups are enjoying them! This is my last one. " I promised, finally feeling that my craving for cookies has been sated. An intense pang shot through my abdomen, I gently placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it. Thinking to myself it was probably just a Braxton Hicks contraction, I had been having a lot lately, which was very common.

"It is better, the party starts soon, and I want the pups to have a good time. They can't do that if you eat all the snacks. " McKenna was a great Luna always taking care of the pack, especially the pups. She loves to organize events that bring the pack together, by fostering the community she is making the pack stronger. We were all very lucky to have here.

"You know we still have to get in our costumes."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, this is the last platter of snacks. " She said setting them down. "Now, we can go get ready. The guys said they will meet us at the party, dressed to impress. "


"Are you girls ready yet?" Tim said, walking into the Alpha's quarters of the pack house where McKenna and I were currently getting ready.

"I have been ready." I responded, "Just waiting for Kenz!" I said it in such a way to let her know that I was getting tired of waiting. "At this rate I am going to have these pups before she is ready." I walked over and gave my hubby a kiss.

"You know you make a great pumpkin." He remarked, commenting on my costume.

"I know, Charlie Brown, this was a great couples costume. Especially since I'm the size of, The Great Pumpkin this year. " Another contraction gripped my mid-section this one a bit stronger than the one earlier, making me wince.

"You are carrying our pups. It's a good look on you. " He commented, refusing to acknowledge that I called myself fat. He is such a smart man. "You okay?" Tim questioned, noticing me rubbing my belly.

"Yeah, I'm good. You know I will be happy when they are here. Being pregnant is miserable! I'm definitely not one of those pleasant pregnant ladies. " I commented, as the pain alleviated.

"We all know, trust me." McKenna commented finally finished with getting dressed in her Grecian Goddess costume.

I scowled at her comment, pushing the thoughts of contractions to the back of my mind. "You look beautiful."

The lightweight material flowed perfectly over her baby bump, the length reaching the floor. Gold accents were embroidered on the edges, with a gold band just below her breast, another perfect costume for a pregnant lady.

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