Chapter 58

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A/N: Smut Warning

"'ogwarts is much larger than my school in France," Arline chirped as she looked around the different hallways, as she greeted the different portraits. 

As promised Amelia was giving Arline a tour of Hogwarts. The French girl could not stop herself from admiring the architecture of the castle. She was introducing the different paintings and portraits to Arline and she seemed to get along with most of them, well except for the fat lady. Hogwarts was filled with chaotic energy every hallway was packed with different students, whether it was the Beaubaxtons', Durmstrang's or Hogwarts' students everyone seemed to be getting along. The air was lively, and everyone was holding their breath as the first task was now only a week away.

Amelia could hear the friendly banter of two friends as they spoke about who would succeed in the first task. Arline and Amelia were coming to the end of their tour as they were getting closer and closer to the entrance hall. The hallway was completely packed, and Amelia could hear the thoughts of different students and professors. The thoughts of other's were growing loud and almost unbearable, but Amelia could handle it. Most of the students were thinking about the upcoming task, but another thought caught Amelia's attention. 

It was very faint and subtle she had to focus really hard to listen. Other voices and thoughts were piling on top of the thought and just when she was going to loose it, she heard it. The voice was gentle and soft, she could barely make out what it was saying. The voice had a rhythm to it bouncing along every beat allowing her to only make out a couple words.

"Amelia look!" Her concentration was broken but Amelia swore she heard 'dark lord' at the end.

A crowd had formed around Harry and Malfoy, gaining the attention of students passing by. The two were in a heated argument both were pushing and shoving each other. Amelia was about to break the two up but part of her wanted to see what their little argument could turn into. Harry was beginning to walk away turning his back to Malfoy when she saw the Slytherin was about to cast a hex.

"Oh no you don't" Amelia snapped her head to see Professor Moody cast a transfiguration spell on Malfoy.

She looked back to see that a pure white ferret stood in Malfoy's spot. Professor Moody raised his wand making the ferret bounce up and down in the air. Multiple students began to laugh including Amelia. The ferret squealed as Professor Moody bewitched it to move up and down. Students laughed louder as they watched their defence against the dark art's teacher take Draco and place it into Crabbe's pants. The Slytherin boy yelled in agony causing the Amelia to laugh harder.

"Does thiz happen often," Amelia looked towards Arline who looked disgusted with Professor Moody's behaviour.

This kind of punishment was strictly forbidden, Professor Moody would definitely get in far too much trouble, but Draco deserves it. As much as Amelia hated to admit it Draco was not a nice person, he judged people on their blood status or wealth and continued to harass the Weasley's as they associated with muggles.

"Honestly, the boy deserves it," Amelia said as she laughed once again. Their entertainment was cut short when Professor McGonagall turned Malfoy back into his normal state and lectured Professor Moody.

The pair started walking towards the great hall for lunch as they discussed the entire ferret situation. Arline clearly hated the way Professor Moody handled the situation, but Amelia just laughed it off. The two were so caught up in conversation Amelia didn't realise that they passed the great hall and were turning into a corner.

"Arline we missed the hall," Amelia said as she turned around and began to walk back in the direction of the hall when she was pulled back.

Arline's grip on Amelia was tight and rough, her throat began to dry up and her stomach churned. She instantly met her dark grey eyes and was mesmerised within seconds.

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