Chapter 75

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Wish your uncle well from me.

The words of Lucius Malfoy rang in her head as Amelia looked out the window. Her knees were to her chest as she thought about where her Uncle might be. 'Was he roaming the castle?' or 'Was he with the dark lord at this very moment?' 'How does Lucius know?' 'Does Draco know?'

The unanswered questions would not stop. One question led to another and another, and Amelia couldn't stop.

She could feel her head becoming heavy and her Legilimecy starting to take control. "Ugh not now," she muttered under her breath.

"Alright so what do you think of this one," Katie walked out of the bathroom wearing a tight black dress that accented her boobs.

Amelia rolled her eyes and looked at Katie with a straight face. "Katie he is taking you to the three broomsticks, not a nightclub."

Katie was wildly excited for her date with Lee, though Amelia didn't understand why. The two had been on dates but she was weirdly excited for this one.

"Ugh fine," Katie huffed making her way back to her closet.

Naroh hopped out of his cage and gave her a small chirp, he too had noticed a change in her demeanour. The lack of sleep she was getting, red eyes and terrible under bags and the colour from her cheeks were completely drained.

"Amelia!" Katie snapped her fingers in front of Amelia who was staring out the window.

She jumped slightly realising she was brought back to reality.

"Are you alright?" Katie asked as she cupped Amelia's cheeks.

It was always nice to see the caring side of Katie, "Yeah I'm fine," Amelia lied.

She stepped back from Amelia, a worried look on her face as she walked towards her wardrobe. Her heels clicked loudly on the hardwood and she rambled through her closet for a bit. Katie walked back to Amelia with a large whisky bottle in her hands.

"Now this is the good shit, I would have it all for myself, but let's be honest you need it more than me," she handed the liquor bottle. A good three quarters left, and the label was fading away.

"Who'd you get this off of?" Amelia asked examining the bottle in her hands with a large grin.

Katie cackled as she flipped her blond hair. "I have my ways."

Amelia looked at her friend dumbfounded, wondering how exactly she snuck in a liquor bottle.

"And now I'm late to meet Lee," Katie's blond hair fell on her face as she held up her wrist looking at her watch. "Bye and save some for me," Katie warned before leaving.

Sitting down on her bed Amelia flicked the lid off and did not hesitate to take a swing from the bottle. She needed something desperately to take the edge off and remove the constant reminder that Alphard was out there somewhere.

The thick liquor went down her throat and she felt it burn harshly. She could tell it was the good kind. Rich and expensive. Her lips already plump and pink after the first swing.

Naroh peered at her from his cage, watching as she drank her sorrows away. "Don't judge me," she said to her pet, acting as if he could speak back.

In all fairness she did look quite pathetic, to say the least. A teenager drinking by herself, she felt at an all-time low.

Though swing after swing, each gulp she got used to the burning sensation and was feeling slightly better. The sun was beginning to set, and the night sky was spreading. Amelia felt as if the walls were closing in on her. Her body getting hotter by the second.

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