Chapter 77

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It was nice knowing Fred had a drawer in his closet dedicated to her. He had multiple clothes of hers' that she had accidentally left behind and had saved some of her favourite sweaters and shirts for her. It was times like this when Amelia turned to Fred for comfort. One thing Amelia loved about Fred is that he didn't have to ask her any questions to know what she needed.

That night he helped her change into something more comfortable and brought her to bed. Fred wrapped his arms around her and didn't let go until she fell asleep. He kissed her shoulder and kissed her neck whispering sweet things to her.

Amelia slept most of the day, Fred went about his day making sure to check on her every now and then. By early afternoon, Amelia had received enough sleep and woke to Fred tidying up his room.

"Morning sunshine," Fred smiled at Amelia as she sat up in bed, adjusting her eyes to the bright light.

"What time is it?" her voice was hoarse and dry as she tried not to fall asleep once more.

"Almost one love," He replied folding her clothes and laying them on the edge of the bed.

Amelia hopped in the shower, kicking Fred out no matter how much he wanted to join, she needed some time alone with her thoughts. Her muscles relaxed for a moment as she thought about how exactly she could communicate with Alphard.

She had told Dumbledore everything she knew, but Amelia wasn't sure how the headmaster would handle the situation. As she had a lot of homework to catch up on, Amelia said her goodbyes to Fred and made her way to her room.

Beds made and the room empty and clean, Amelia knew this was Katie's way of apologising for last night. She made her way to her desk grabbing out her books and began to work. Amelia's mind would occasionally wander thinking back to Alphard and what his note meant but she just couldn't seem to dismiss the thought.

"Fuck!" Amelia yelled out loud trying to focus on Alphard's words.

"If you want to find me, then join me."

Amelia took a deep breath in as she closed her eyes, thinking back to a couple days ago. She replayed the scene in her head over and over again.

'I woke up, Alphard was near my chest of drawers, he turns we make eye contact, he wooshes out the window. I run towards the window and get a note.' She thought to herself.

Amelia repeated the scene to herself multiple times before realising, that she woke up because Alphard was going through her chest of drawers, perhaps he left something there.

She rushed to her cabinet pulling out every drawer and checking for any sort of clue he would leave behind. She checked in between her clothes for a small note, she checked at the bottom of the drawer for any sort of engraved mark but nothing. Amelia felt completely helpless.

The wooden flooring creaking as she sat down on the floor trying to revisit her memory. "Come on think Amelia, think."

The memory repeated in her head, seeing Alphard, they make eye contact, he wooshes out the window. She runs towards the open window and gets the note.

There was something she was missing, something didn't add up, something she might have forgotten.

And then it clicked.

Naroh was the one who brought Alphard's letter to Amelia, Naroh must know where Alphard is. With her eyes wide, she looked over to see the innocent bird picking on its food. Amelia rushed over to where her owl was sitting.

"Naroh," she whispered gently and the bird instantly looked up at her. "Do you know where Alphard is?" Amelia asked.

If anyone saw her talking to her bird, they would've thought she was mad. But Amelia watched as the small bird tilted its head and looked up at her with his beady eyes. Amelia wasn't sure if Naroh was the way she could communicate with Alphard. Though it was worth a try.

Tearing a small piece of parchment Amelia wrote 'I'll join' before folding in and placing it in Naroh's beak. "Give this to Alphard," she spoke softly, whishing she didn't have to say his name out loud.

Naroh's wings flapped as he swore into the sky, vanishing in the clouds. She wasn't sure where that bird was going, but if that meant she would find Alphard it was worth it. 

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