Chapter 2

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"Amelia wake up. You need to change into your uniform," a familiar voice spoke, and she recognised it was Lee's.  He was always so gentle waking her up.

"Okay, okay I'm up." Amelia groggily said rubbing her eyes.

With fumbling fingers, she got out her uniform and made her way to the lavatory, stumbling around in her sleepy state.

On her way there she bumped into no other than Draco Malfoy. The collision with the younger boy immediately woke Amelia up and she noticed the annoyed look on Malfoy's face. Bracing herself for the insults and tantrums that he was known for, she was instead met with an unusual soft response when he realised who it was.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," the platinum blonde headed boy extended his hand as if to introduce himself to Amelia.

But Amelia didn't need an introduction. Ron and Harry had complained enough about Malfoy and his terrorising that she was thankful she didn't have a bully as bratty as Malfoy in her first years. But regardless Amelia went along with the introduction and firmly shook his hand.

"Whisp, Amelia Whisp," she replied.

"I already know who you are, Whisp," Malfoy spoke, "My father said that you've got dirty blood in you." He raised an eyebrow and the statement was posed more like a question as he was unsure how such a pretty elegant girl could have any relevance to 'filthy mudbloods'.

Amelia was used to the subtle prejudice from pureblood families and brushed off Malfoy's comment with ease, "My blood is fine, thank you very much."

"And who brainwashed you to believe that? Those muggle-obsessed Weasels I bet," Malfoy retorted and the usual malic in his voice jumped out.

"Those Weasels are my friends," Amelia replied sharply.

"It's a shame you know," Malfoy began returning to the softer approach he had earlier, "Being half-blooded is somewhat accepted amongst purebloods. I don't know why you choose to further destroy your reputation by hanging out with the dim-witted twins when I could keep you company,"

She snorted at Malfoy's offer, "I'm quite happy with the company I have now, they're good friends."

"I'm not talking about that the friendship kind of company," Malfoy said shaking his head as Amelia had misunderstood him. "I've always wondered what an older girl would be like," he smirked.

"Nice try," Amelia scoffed, "Maybe try again in five years when you're older," she patted his blonde head.

Before Malfoy could get another word out Lee, Fred and George walked out of the carriage just a few steps behind Amelia and Malfoy.

"Amelia! You still haven't changed, we're about to leave the train any minute soon," Fred exclaimed.

"Sod off carrot top," snapped Malfoy, "Can't you see she's busy."

"Don't you have some first years to pick on," Lee huffed, "Leave us older grades alone."

"You're one to talk Lee. Isn't it you who always picks on Slytherin in your rubbish Quidditch commentary." Malfoy retaliated.

"Okay that is enough! Boys, leave Malfoy, he's not worth it. Get off the train and I'll meet you in the Great Hall after I get changed," Amelia instructed hoping to end this conflict.


Now dressed in her robes, Amelia scurried into the Great Hall and took her seat onto the Gryffindor table beside Fred. Before she could even get anything from the massive spread of food onto her plate, the twins bombarded her with questions.

"What did Malfoy want with you?" George asked while he took a quick glance at a mildly irritated Fred.

"Nothing really, we were just talking about our summer," she quickly replied wanting to avoid the whole Malfoy situation.

"Just talking about our summer," Fred scoffed in a mocking tone, "You know he just wants to get in your pants."

She had finally managed to get a bite of the treacle tart but sputtered crumbs everywhere as she choked on it because of Fred's blunt comment. "No, he doesn't," Amelia insisted.

"Everyone knows that Malfoy's playing this stupid game with the older girls," Fred remarked, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Okay, so what if he gives me more attention," Amelia really didn't understand why Fred had this sudden protective serious attitude when he was always so carefree. "I wouldn't mind getting some attention," she grumbled under her breath as she pushed the treacle tart around with her fork.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter," Fred said, no longer making eye contact with Amelia.

The topic of Quidditch was brought up and three boys raved on passionately about their favourite players. As dinner continued on the awkward conversation between Fred and Amelia was forgotten until she felt his elbow softly nudge her. She turned to look at him and he had his stupid puppy face on. 'I'm sorry' was mouthed and all Amelia did was send a warm smile to him and Fred knew that all was forgiven.

There was always something about Fred that made it impossible to stay mad at him forever. They had always been close as friends where his bear hugs, winks or even flirty remarks hadn't been given much thought by Amelia. But now for some reason when he nudged her, and his skin made contact with hers she felt odd butterflies in her stomach.


The warmth of the fireplace encircled the Gryffindor common room as the four of them sat on a burgundy sofa.

Fred, George and Lee were as usual in a heated conversation about something she couldn't care to listen to. Amelia made herself comfy as she propped her feet on Fred's lap and rested her head on the arm of the sofa. The close proximity made her heart thump just a bit louder and faster. Not taking part in their conversation she was alone with her thoughts.

Wasn't Fred's reaction odd, when did he start caring what Malfoy did? And plus, what was so different about today that made her think of Fred differently?

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