Chapter 84

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Due to the couple's late-night rendezvous, Fred and Amelia managed to sleep in till mid-day. That was until George came bursting through the door, trying to wake them.

"Get up! Lazy twats," George yelled as he began to shake Fred, who was resting his head on Amelia's chest.

"Fuck off," Amelia mumbled into her pillow as she turned her head away.

"Absolutely not, it is the weekend which means we should be doing something."

Fred moaned as Amelia continued to ignore him. "Mate why don't you go bother Lee and Katie," Fred said pulling Amelia towards him.

"I already did that and now its your turn. So get up cause we have plans today," George stomped his foot before pulling the sheets off, the couple.

Amelia instantly woke up and sat up straight as did Fred. Both had shocked expressions on their face as George cackled loudly.

"George what the fuck," Amelia yelled annoyed that her sleep had been interrupted.

At this point George was laughing so loud, Amelia was sure people in the next dorm could hear him. Fred yelled as he said "You're a pain in our arse mate."

Fred got out of bed as Amelia watched George's laugh and smile fade which was replaced with a worrisome look. "Oh shit," George swore under his breath as Fred began to chase him.

Running as fast as he could George ran around the bed, Fred tailing him by the slightest. George ran around the room before circling the Amelia's bed and jumping on it to run across to the door. As George jumped on the bed he accidentally stood on Amelia's leg for just a second.

"Ow, son of a-" Amelia cursed as George jumped off the bed and headed for the door.

Still laughing as Fred tailed him, he yelled "sorry."

George bolted out the room, with Fred only a couple seconds behind him. Amelia was still sitting in bed, as she heard the sounds of their footsteps descending down the stairs, she soon heard a bang. Knowing Fred must have tackled George as she rolled her eyes.

"Complete boys," she spoke annoyed getting out of bed and shutting the door behind her.

Now that she was completely awake Amelia thought it would be best to start off her day. Amelia freshened up in the bathroom and washed away last nights filth. The cool water hit her back on the hot summer day Amelia heard the main door open. She pushed the shower curtain back slightly and stuck her head out wondering who it was.

"Fred?" she called out his name though she didn't get any answer.

Still wondering who it was Amelia moved her body further out of the shower, her heart was beginning to beat even faster. Amelia stretched out her arm to open the door slowly and carefully making sure to make no noise.

Just as she went to grab the door knob the door flung open and Amelia screamed as she pulled the shower curtain to cover her body.

Though it was just Katie that had walked in acting as if nothing had happened. "You good?" She asked Amelia with a small smile on her lips.

"Merlin Katie I thought it was someone else," Amelia released a sigh and put her hand on her chest.

"Who'd you think it was? Lee." Katie chuckled.

"I would be scarred if it was Lee," Amelia laughed with her.

Katie pushed her wet hair back, laughing as her smile widened and the crinkles by her eyes were visible.

The Red Head Boy- Fred WeasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin