Chapter 31

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A/N: Smut Warning

Amelia spent the next few days talking to Eric the two spent most of their time together. He reminded her about the bet they had earlier and the two would sit in the library helping each other out. They would study together and talk about Sirius Black and Amelia's complicated relationship with the Black family. Eric had great advice for Amelia and she was starting to feel better.

Even though her friends barely saw her, they understood why she needed the space. The group was still under the impression that her muggle grandmother had died. Amelia wanted to tell them but she couldn't bring herself to tell them.

"Does anyone want to make any bets about today's match?" Fred took out a few sickles placing them on the table. Today was the match where Slytherin would play against Hufflepuff, Oliver wood was hoping Slytherins won so they could go up against them.

"Yea I bet the Slytherins will win." Amelia took out 5 galleons placing them on the table. It was obvious that Slytherin would win, but anything could happen at this point

"I've been watching the Hufflepuffs I think they'll win." Said Katie placing 3 gallons and a couple of sickles on the table. It was early March, spring was creeping in. Usually, flowers would be blooming all over the place but the dementors were turning everything cold insight.

"I've packed a bunch of snacks so we can enjoy the game without going hungry." Amelia had a bag full of candy, pastries and sandwiches from Honeydukes. She was going to bring her peanut butter jar which she would not share with anyone.

Once the five were done eating lunch they made their way to the Quidditch pitch. Amelia could see the crowd forming around the entrance as she took her seat beside Fred. Lee had made his way towards the teacher's area where he would be commentating.

The stadium was filled with students in their different house colours. Amelia was wearing her Gryffindor sweater matching with Fred. Soon the Hufflepuffs and Slytherins were in the air. She watched as the Slytherin's scored goal after goal. Katie was squirming in her seat hoping the Hufflepuffs would win.

It had been around an hour and the game was still going on. "Looks like Harper has caught sight of the snitch." Amelia jumped from her seat, she had a spoonful of peanut butter in her mouth watching intently to see which team would win. Her hands were tugging on Fred's leave out of excitement. "Harper has caught the snitch, which means Slytherin wins." Amelia was jumping up and down pulling his collar to kiss him.

The taste of peanut butter and chocolate could be tasted in Fred's mouth, not the best combination but he didn't care. "You're going to beat Slytherin now." Amelia giggled wrapping her arms around him. Fred finally saw Amelia becoming herself now, he could see that she was no longer forcing a smile, there were love and admiration in her eyes.


"I can still hear their music playing." After every match, the Slytherins would always throw a party. Amelia was in her room listening to Katie whine about how loud the music was. It was only the two of them in the room, Amelia was reading her book while using her fingers to eat her peanut butter. I should probably ask mum to send more she thought to herself when seeing she had eaten half of it in less than a week.

"Whatever I'm going downstairs. I'll see you later." Amelia just nodded in response focusing on her book. It was another sex scene in the book, it was practically given her sex tips. Amelia heard the door open again, thinking it was Katie.

Amelia felt a hand go around her waist, flipping her on her back. Her eyes met Fred's. "Wha, what are you doing here." Amelia was shocked to see Fred in the girl's dormitories. "I have my ways." He said smirking at her.

Fred's body was on top of her, using his left hand to place his weight. His hand went to her's which were filled with peanut butter. "May I." he lifted her hand to his mouth, Amelia was too shocked to say anything.

His mouth was around  Amelia's two fingers, licking them his tongue swirling around. Amelia never knew she could find pleasure in this. Fred's eyes were locked with Amelia's, smirking as her breathing increased and small moans left her lips. He was in between her legs and could tell she was pooling in her panties. "You're already wet for me aren't you." The dirty words left his mouth making her eyes roll to the back of her head.

His hands made his way towards her skirt slowly lifting it and bringing down her underwear, his mouth still around her fingers. "Fuck baby you're so wet." Fred slowly placed two fingers into her, she sucked in a sharp breath. Amelia felt a sharp pain but Fred was pumping slowly and gently making sure not to hurt her. Soon by the looks of it, the pain had gone and pleasure had taken its place. Amelia had clasped her hand against her mouth trying not to scream. Her right hand was digging into the peanut butter.

"Come on baby scream my name." Amelia tried her best not to yell his name even though she wanted to. Her legs were starting to shake and the Fred began to pump faster, she could see Fred's bulge forming.

"Fuck Fred don't stop." and he didn't, he placed three fingers into her making Amelia buck her hips. Fred watched as she shut her eyes, trying not to hold in her moans.

"Cum for me baby." he hissed. Seeing Fred on top of her, the small amount of light over his hair creating dark shadows around his face. Amelia felt herself come undone. Her legs were still shaking and she felt the small amount of pain in between her legs. His fingers went to his lips, licking them clean.

"You taste so good," he said bringing his mouth to her ear, his warm breath tickling her neck.

He had now placed his arm around her waist,  Amelia's head nuzzling into his chest. His hand ran through her hair as she connected the different freckles scattered on his bare chest. They cuddled in the peaceful silence. It was funny to think only a minute ago she was screaming his name, and now they were sound asleep in each other's arms.


"Hey, Amelia did Professor Sprout give you any homework today." Eric took a seat opposite Amelia. The two met up at the library almost every day. Even if it wasn't to study, they would just talk about anything that came to mind. The two had grown very close over the past two months. She liked having Eric to talk to, even though he was a great listener and had great advice, Amelia knew he was more than that. He would joke with her almost all the time, even during class the two would be laughing about something.

"No non-today, I'm just going to go over a few of my notes." They would have their exams in the middle of April and Amelia wanted a good head start.

Today was one of those days where the two spent almost four hours in the library. Most people had left, and the librarian had given them there fifteen-minute warning. "We should start packing up, I don't want to be stuck here forever." she let out a soft yawn. Amelia began to gather her books including her peanut butter which she brought almost everywhere now.

"Yea lets go." Eric looked back at her. "Oh, you've got some peanut butter on your lip." Amelia swiped her hand across her mouth, trying to remove the peanut butter.

"No here let me." Eric stepped closer to Amelia, towering over her just slightly. His thumb was soft against her lip, he gently swiped away. Everything seemed to have slowed down at this point. Amelia was looking into Eric's eyes which were sparkling in the moonlight. Amelia wasn't sure if it was the fact that she was very tired, but Eric almost looked like he was leaning in, but so was she. Their lips were only centimetres apart before she kissed him. Eric's lips were soft and he tasted like strawberries. The kiss wasn't awkward but it wasn't passionate like Fred's. Oh no, you're with Fred. Amelia pulled back as fast as she could startling Eric. "I'm sorry but I have to go." She grabbed her bag as fast as she could making her way out of the library.

Amelia still had the feeling of Eric's lips on hers. How could she have kissed him? He was just a friend, was he? Did the kiss mean anything? Her mind was swarming with thoughts about her secret kiss.

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