Chapter 64

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As Amelia read another one of her Legilimecy books she could hear the thumping of footsteps coming from the end of the corridor. She tilted her head up to see what was going on when she noticed Fred and George running into the common room both breathless. Their ginger locks which were starting to get way too long were sitting poorly on their forehead.

"If anyone asks we were never here," George stated a large smile on his face as he stopped to take a breath before the two twins ran up to their dormitories.

Both Katie and Amelia shared confused expressions with each other trying to figure out what those two boy's had been up to. It had been an awfully quiet afternoon and Amelia knew it was the inevitable for Fred and George to pull a silly little prank on some poor Hogwarts staff.

"Where are they! Where are those two wretched boys?" Professor Flitwick screeched as he came rushing into the common room, grabbing the attention of a couple students. Every inch of their Professor was covered in dust from his thick moustache to the insides of his shoes. At one point he even coughed up some of the black dust.

"Who Professor?" Katie asked innocently a smirk forming on her lips as she tried to hide it.

It was quiet obvious to tell that Professor Flitwick was livid as Katie played dumb. He looked around the common room furiously huffing and puffing trying to look for any sign of the ginger twins.

"Professor no one has come into the common room except for you," Another year four Gryffindor said earning a couple sniggers across the room.

He looked back at the young year four boy his eyes screaming with anger, "Shut it Davies don't make me fail you in your next exam." Professor Flitwick spat back before storming out of the room tracking dust prints all over the place.

The common room broke out into laughter as they watched their charms teacher fail to punish the twins. Soon the twin's came down receiving applause and cheers from the common room. Amelia didn't have much time to spare since she was late for her study session with Arline.

Amelia quickly said her goodbyes to the group and made her way to the library. Now that the Christmas holidays had started Hogwarts looked even more magical than usual. The most prettiest decorations hung from the ceilings. Christmas trees were placed all around the castle, and different enchantments to play music when students walked by. 

The Library was mostly abandoned, Madam Pince was no longer running around the Library making sure her books were in perfect condition. Amelia tugged on her old sweater as the Library was much colder and found herself a nice spot as she waited for Arline. She had read through all the books Arline had given her including the ones she told Amelia not to read.

Over the past couple of weeks Amelia had read through all the books Arline had given her including the ones not to read. She also learnt the different ways of practising Legilimecy and understood the different aspects of the mind. Another thing Amelia caught onto quick was Arline would pile a lot of work on Amelia so she decided it would be best if she said she hadn't finished reading the books.

A good twenty minutes had gone by and finally, Arline showed up. She looked different without her Beaubaxton uniform on, her hair was neatly sitting on her shoulders and a blush settled on her cheeks.

"Sorry for being late," She said as she placed her books on the desk. "Well, you're always late so I'm sure you don't mind." And then there was her passive-aggressive side showing, as she wasn't over the group's prank.

In the first couple of lessons, Arline gave Amelia the cold shoulder, barely speaking to her or being her usual playful self. It was only a week ago when Arline decided to forgive Amelia for her so-called ghastly prank.

Soon the two girls got to work chatting away about their day and their plans for the holidays. "Now a famous Legilimen is also Queenie Goldstein, but she ended up joining Grindwalds side." Arline continued to explain the history of the first Legilimens and now the current ones.

"Most Legilimens say that it is easiest to read someone when they are most vulnerable," Arline said as Amelia took notes.

As Amelia concentrated on her work she notices a couple of pink blotches on Arline's neck. Amelia wasn't stupid she knew they were love bites just who gave them to her she thought to herself. The lesson continued with a few flirtatious remarks which Amelia ignored and a couple of times where Amelia practised her Legilimecy.

During her lessons with Arline, Amelia could feel herself becoming more confident with her power. She noticed that when she was stressed, her Legilimecy was the worst and when with her friends and Fred she would have full control. Amelia could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and was more than happy that she could now control it.

"Amelia would you like to meet my girlfriend?" Arline asked as she packed away her things. "She said she'll meet me in the library." Amelia was beginning to get excited to find out who was placing loud bites all over Arline and so the two waited.

A few minutes went by and soon Amelia noticed a tall brunette coming there way. Her skin had burned and freckled as well as her eyes twinkling in the sunlight. The brunette had a head full of hair with perfect curls that Amelia envied.

"Hello my love," French, just like Arline. The brunette passionately kissed Arline making Amelia feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Ahh Isidora, this is Amelia," Arline said as she tried to catch her breath. Isidora stretched out her arm to shake Amelia's hand. Different rings and jewels covered Isidora's hand. "Nice to meet you. Arline has told me so much about you."

The couple were quite passionate as they made conversation with Amelia. The three hit it off quiet well and Amelia could see why Arline liked Isidora so much. She was smart as well as charming and Amelia was envious of her beauty.

"Amelia, if you and Fred are comfortable we should go on a, umm... 'double date," Arline suggested.

It was quiet shocking that Arline had already figured out that she and Fred were together but how did she know.

"How do you know that Fred and I are together?" Amelia said in a low voice.

"Sorry. Well I accidentally read Fred's mind once," Arline smiled hoping Amelia wouldn't be mad.

They decided to plan it at a small pub that no one went to and it would be after the Yule Ball which was now just around the corner. Of course, Amelia would have to check if Fred wanted to come but she was sure he wouldn't mind.

With their plans made Amelia left the library on her way back to the Gryffindor common room. The corridors were filled with sunlight coming in from the windows, passing by students were chatting excitedly about the upcoming Yule ball which Amelia decided not to dwell on for too long.

There was no point arguing with Professor McGonagall about it, the one time they did Gryffindor lost fifty points. No matter what Amelia tried her best not to think about it. Instead she looked forward to Christmas and admired the pretty decorations all over Hogwarts.

Once she reached the common room she went straight to her dorm before the twins. 'Not again' she thought to herself as Amelia heard the distant moans coming from her dormitory again. Her cheeks instantly went hot just like before and she quickly made her way to the twin's dorm. Amelia found the Weasley twins chatting amongst themselves, simultaneously they turned their heads and greeted Amelia.

Amelia soon joined into their conversation arguing about the fact how Professor Flitwick suspected it was the twins who pulled the prank from this morning. After George left to go see Susan Amelia ended up asking Fred whether he wanted to go on a 'double date' with Arline and Isidora.

"Double date honestly I don't know," Fred replied back rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

Amelia could tell he wasn't keen on going so she decided to take matters into her own hands. Her hands went around his belt and she pulled him in. Amelia pressed herself up against Fred whispering into his ear. "Come on. I'll do anything you want."

Fred's jaw dropped he thought for a second before agreeing to go. Pressing a kiss on Amelia's lips the couple got into a heated make out. 

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