Chapter 86

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Amelia POV

If it wasn't the last day of school I wouldn't be crying right now. The year was definitely one to remember, I kept focusing on the bad, when there was so much good in it. My mind was definitely in a better place, and I had my friends to thank for that. But mainly Fred.

Since we got together he has been perfect to me. I still remember the night at the astronomy tower, both of us completely drenched in water and it was just me and him. I'll never forget that kiss we had, it was like magic.

Even though I wanted to see my parents, I wasn't very keen on getting home. I didn't know how I was going to get through the summer holidays without Fred. He had helped me so much and didn't even realise it. When I found out about Alphard, Fred never once pushed me to tell him what was going on and that's what I loved about him.

It was early in the morning Katie wasn't awake as yet and neither was the sun. I let a tear slide down my face and drop onto my pillow as I thought about Fred. The tears weren't coming from sadness nor happiness, I just knew I was going to miss him. It was the last day at Hogwarts, it felt as if the dust was finally settling after a storm.

It felt as if everything was coming to an end.

Not necessarily a sad ending but something I knew I would miss. I would miss Katie and the gossip she would tell me about. I would miss Lee, his wit and wild energy. I would miss having George as a shoulder to cry on. And I would definitely miss Fred, the first boy I ever loved.

I heard Katie roll over in her bed which meant I would have to get to class soon. Though the last class would end early as the Beaubaxtons and Durmstrang students would be leaving. I had made sure to pack the night before so I could spend most of the day with Fred. I didn't have anything planned for the two of us but then again when we had nothing to do, we always ended up having a great time.

The sunlight was pouring into my room, so I knew it was time to get ready. I woke Katie up and headed towards the bathroom and got ready for the day. As I looked at myself in the mirror I was happy with where I had gotten too. Since the start of the school year till now I was a completely different person, everything had changed. But that change was needed.

Katie walked into the bathroom her blond hair in a tangled mess. The two of us brushing our teeth together in silence too tired to speak.

Once we finished she spoke, "Last day of sixth year. When we come back it's going to be our last year."

"Senior year. It's going to be weird not coming back to this place," I said trying not to get emotional.

"Yeah but then we get to go out into the world," Katie spoke as she looked at me and smiled.

I was glad the conversation was cut short; I was already crying just a couple minutes ago and didn't want to get disheartened once more. We both got ready for the day making small talk here and there.

We headed down to the great hall and instantly spotted the twins and Lee. The hall had a magnificent glow to it. Something about the room made me feel warm inside. I kissed Fred smiling to him as I sat beside him and began to dig into my breakfast. I looked over at Lee who wasn't talking as much as he did. Last I saw him was at the party and didn't see him the morning after.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as I spread the butter on my toast.

"He's not talking," George sniggered as he nudged Lee.

"Why not?" I asked taking a bite of my toast.

Lee simply stuck out his tongue showing a piercing sitting in the centre. I immediately spat out my toast and was completely shocked. His tongue was a deep red and was completely swollen. I began to laugh out loud feeling slightly guilty for Lee as he looked at me with a sour face.

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