Chapter 62

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A/N: Someone told me to add a warning if there was smut in the chapter so. Just a reminder that there will be smut at the end of this chapter.

"Shut up," Lee hushed the two girls giggling behind them. As the group were still in their drunken and high state it had taken them a long time to get out of the common room. Katie and Amelia clutched onto each other as the wind cooled hit their hot cheeks. Amelia shivered and wished she brought the bottle of Gin which would have most likely warmed her up. She would stumble occasionally as she felt the room was spinning. Her body felt tingly and Amelia felt as if she was walking on air.

It had soon occurred to Amelia that no body knew where they were going. The group was aimlessly walking around the large corridors of Hogwarts.

"Hey guys," Amelia began to whisper yell. "Where is the beaubaxton's carriage?" She said trying not to trip over her own feet.

The group stopped for a second to think their plan through. As they stood in silence waiting for someone to speak up the soft snoring of the fat lady was heard nearby. George spoke up holding out the Maurader's Map. The worn out parchment came to life once the Weasley twin placed the spell on it. Lee, Katie, George, Fred and Amelia crowded over the map seeing the different students and teachers sleeping peacefully in their dormitories. Their eyes scanned the map looking for a couple of the Beaubaxton student's which would lead them to the carriage.

"Ah here it is," Fred exclaimed as he pointed towards the Forbidden Forest.

Amelia felt her throat close up, she had only ever been in the Forbidden Forest once when she was in her second year. Thanks to the twin's dare, which was to set off dung bombs in the teacher's lounge room this earned her a detention which was held in the Forbidden Forest. Her fourteen year old self was shaking in her boots when she was asked to find a specific type of soil deep in the forest alone. Unfortunately she had seen a hood like creature a couple minutes in and ran away screaming and crying in fear. Over the years the memory faded and became vivid and she always wondered what exactly she saw but promised herself never to enter the forest again.

The five Gryffindor's had finally left the castle and were beginning to make their way to the carriage, which was located in between the forbidden forest and Hagrid's Hut. The smell of fresh soil and thick humid air helped sober up the stumbling teens. The light and enchanting glow of the moon spread across the sky and Hogwarts had never looked so magical before. A light layer of dew was covering the grass as the group made their way to the carriage.

They snuck past Hagrid's hut each alive with bubbly energy trying their best not to make any noise, and finally stopped in front of the Beaubaxton's carriage. It was surprisingly larger than Amelia expected. A beautiful shade of blue was painted on with specks of gold littered all around it. The group stopped in front of the Beaubaxton's door all wondering if they should go along with the plan.

If they got caught sneaking into the carriage they would have a lifetime of detentions but on the other hand the thrill of not getting caught made it irresistible. Lee wrapped his had around the golden door knob, raising the tension he turned it as slowly as possible before gently opening the door. They held their breath as they stood in awe of the sight before them.

As they stepped inside, the room looked nothing like a carriage would. Warm light appeared from a long and large chandelier from above, every crystal dangling in the most elegant manner. The inside of the carriage reminded Amelia of the common room. Different chair's much fancier than the ones in the Gryffindor commons were placed across the room. The tables made out of gorgeous maple and exotic flowers placed all over giving the carriage a fragrant smell.

"Well, I could get used to this," George said as he threw himself on the sofa placing his hands behind his head.

Amelia wanted nothing more than to kick up her feet and snuggle up next to her lover but she wanted to see the rest of the carriage. "Who's coming with me to check out the rest of the carriage," Amelia asked loud enough for Fred to hear her but soft enough so the other's didn't. George was far too comfortable on the sofa to care what Amelia said and Katie and Lee were trying to find a secret stash of madam Maxime's booze.

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