Chapter 45

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Amelia had finally reached home, the sun had set allowing its colours to spread across. A mixture of light pink spread across the sky swirling around with a dark blue. Amelia was growing tired last nights prank, her horrible dream, seeing Fred flirting with Angelina along with her nightmare coming true was mentally draining. 

Amelia grabbed her bag taking it up the marble staircase. She had many fond memories on this staircase. The time's Uncle Alphard would sit her on his shoulders running throughout the house. When she was ten Amelia would sit on the steps and listen to her parent's conversation pretending she was a spy. Then there was the time Fred chased her around the house the two of them covered in pasta sauce. She smiled at the thought wishing she could go back to the time he loved her, did he still love her?

Amelia flicked open the lights to her bedroom. The warm yellow light spread throughout, she noticed her parents had removed the carpeting now revealing the wooden flooring. Amelia liked it better this way, the heavy carpeting always made the room look dull. 

Amelia drew the curtains before opening her suitcase. She pulled out a pair of her favourite pyjama shorts grabbing a large white t-shirt to go over it. Amelia made her way to the bathroom beginning to brush her teeth she could already feel herself growing tired. 

Pulling the covers over herself Amelia let her sleep take over. One part of her wanted to sleep and dream forever, but another was scared to witness the nightmare again after all it did come true. 

'Should I tell mum and dad?' Amelia didn't know if it was serious or not, she didn't want to worry her parents for no reason. 

"Maybe that's what mum's letter was talking about.' Hoping her parents had an explanation for what happened. Unfortunately, they were going to be at work all-day leaving Amelia alone with her thoughts. 

The next morning Amelia had slept in till the late afternoon. It's not like she had anything planned for the day. She was tangled in her sheets sweat covering her body.  She made her way out of bed, her hair was a complete mess, sleep was crowding around her eyes and her morning breath was worst then ever. 

Feeling completely disgusting Amelia slipped out of her clothes making her way towards the shower. The cold water hit her face instantly cooling her down. She began to massage the shampoo in her hair the smell of coconut spreading throughout the bathroom. Amelia moved onto her legs bring the razor up her leg removing the small patches of hair left. She spent a good hour in the bathroom, shaving over and over again not sure what to do next.

Amelia wore another pair of her comfiest clothes. A large oversized t-shirt with her favourite muggle band on it One something. The second word was fading away. She went down the stairs making her way to the kitchen her stomach grumbling terribly. 

Naroh chirped at the kitchen bench grabbing Amelia's attention. "Looks like I'm not all alone." She said to the small bird tickling its neck. Her stomach growling louder, Amelia quickly made her way to the pantry deciding on making two-minute noodles. 'If this what the holidays are going to look like then I don't want it' It felt awful being alone all the time. When she was younger she always had the attention of her older family members, but as she got older it's like no one cared for her.

Amelia finished her noodles, they tasted awful and she was already beginning to miss Hogwarts. With nothing else to do she decided to write to Fred, it seemed a bit desperate to write to him already but the girl was desperate. 

Dearest Fred,

The muggle world is so boring, I know it's just the first day but I'm already dreading the holidays. I already miss you and George, and I bet you've been driving Mrs Weasley crazy. Anyways get back to me as soon as possible. 

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