Chapter 49

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The car ride to the burrow was silent. Fred didn't know how to react to the entire situation. Amelia watched the different buildings pass by, the sun was slowly going down. She watched as birds flew across the sky trying to make it home before dark. 

She could tell they were close by to the burrow. Large tall trees were spread across the landscape. Amelia stuck her head out the window letting the cool wind hit her face. The grass below them was a gorgeous colour of green, in the distance she saw the odd-looking house. 

The Burrow was Amelia's second home tying with her own house. The cozy little house was one of her favourite places. Fred began to prepare for landing, the Ford Anglia came to the ground with a small bump before parking near the house. 

The front light switched on and Ginny stood at the entrance "Amelia!" the youngest Weasley ran towards Amelia pulling her into a tight hug. "Ginny. I've missed you too." She smiled at the young girl's affection. 

"The boys have been driving me mad. Come on let's go inside." Fred stayed silent and watched how his first love and perhaps only love was so close to his family. He grabbed Amelia's two bags along with the muggle radio she brought along. With his hands full he walked into the small house. 

"Oh, Amelia dear it's soo good to have you back." Mrs Wealsey had her arms wrapped around Amelia before squeezing her face in delight. "It's good to see you too Mrs Wealsey," Amelia replied. She was so happy to be spending her summer with the Weasleys. 

"Amelia, Finally." She heard another sweet voice coming from up the stairs. The loud footsteps echoed around the house, Hermione embraced her into a tight hug. Soon Charlie came down the stairs followed by Bill. "Amelia." The two said in sync, before pulling her into a tight hug. Amelia adored the Weasley family for many reasons, one of them being the fact they always made her feel like she was a part of their family. 

"Alright now everyone lay the table. Fred help Amelia put her bags away in Ginny's room." Mrs Weasley ordered the children. She turns around to see Fred standing with both her bags in one hand and the radio in another. "Here let me." Her hand wrapped around one of her bags walking up the stairs feeling Fred's presence behind her. 

Everything about the Weasley home was perfect. Magic was flowing in and out of the house, along with the faint sound of garden gnomes running around. Ginny's room was just above Fred and George's room. Once the two reached her room Fred placed Amelia's bags on the floor turning to look at her. 

Though she was looking at her surroundings. Ginny's blue carpet was beginning to fade. Holyhead Harpies' posters were all around her walls. Two mattresses lay beside her bed. Ginny's window was wide open two beige curtains sat the sides of the window. The moon was shining brightly, stars were scattered all over the dark sky. "Come Amelia dinner is going to be ready soon." Fred said before leaving her alone in the room. He barely ever called Amelia by her name, Fred only called her by her name when he was angry with her. She felt a pit grow in her stomach. 'Is he still mad about the fight.' she wondered to herself. Instead of letting herself sulk She made her way down the stairs. 

Loud chatters filled the living room, Amelia was talking to Charlie. His long ginger hair was tied back into a ponytail. He told Amelia all about the different dragons he trained with, in Romania. Hermione Ron and Ginny were helping with cooking. Fred and Bill were talking as well but he would look over to Amelia trying to get her attention. 

Amelia looked over to the Weasley clock spotting George, it said he was home. Amelia looked over to the entrance seeing George standing at the door, his cheeks were a bright red and his ginger locks were a mess. "George!" Amelia squealed pulling him into a hug, she whispered into his ear "I want to hear all about the date." He smiled back at her a blush appearing on his cheeks before greeting the rest of his family members. 

The Weasley family sat around the dinner table, freckled hands were flying in every direction. Mr Weasley and Percy were still at the ministry working late for the quidditch cup as they did almost every night. Amelia sat beside Ginny and Bill, her eyes kept making their way to Fred sitting across her chatting with his twin. Fred brought the cold glass of water and she watched him gulp down the water. His lips were left a bright pink he smiled at his twin licking them. 

Ginny elbowed Amelia catching her friend starring. "Amelia stop," Ginny whispered smirking at her. "Tomorrow Arthur will be going to pick up Harry." Mrs Weasley stated. The family continued eating long after making their way to their bedrooms. Amelia stayed behind to help Mrs Wealsey with the dishes however the lady laughed before waving her wand, allowing the dishes to be done using magic. 

The brunette began to make her way to Ginny's bedroom before stopping by the twin's bedroom. She wanted to hear all about Georges date with Susan. Not feeling the need to knock she walked into their bedroom. Different kinds of products were scattered all over the place, along with a messy desk stacked with the twin's old books. 

"Hey, Amelia." The two spoke simultaneously. 

"George I want you to tell me everything about your date." She giggled sitting down on the floor looking up at the twins sitting on the bed. 

"I got there really nervous, and I could tell she was as well because she kept biting her lip. So first we were just walking around Diagon alley and then we stopped to get ice cream. After that, she took me to her favourite book store..." George explained the rest of his date blushing at the thought of him and Susan together. 

Amelia was happy for her friend. At one point Fred had to tell his twin to stop talking as George didn't realise he was ranting about his new date. Amelia left the twins soon after George's rant. Goodnights were exchanged between the three. Amelia didn't want to leave Fred but she knew Ginny and Hermione would grow cranky if she came in late. 

She headed into Ginny's room, the two girls were gossiping and giggling. Amelia changed into her black pyjama shorts pairing it with her favourite AC/DC oversized t-shirt. She joined in with her two friends. They spent most of the night talking about their schoolgirl crushes, which allowed Ginny to bring up Fred. 

"I'm so mad the two of you broke up," Hermione exclaimed.

"Yea you two were the cutest couple." Ginny chimed in. Amelia felt the guilt forming, she still felt awful about kissing Eric. 

"Well, we're not dating anymore so you two need to get over it. I know Fred has." Amelia spat back at her friends.

"What do you mean Fred has?" Hermione's eyes were wide with shock, and Ginny's mouth was on the floor.

"Well he's with Angelina now but he won't admit it." Amelia told her two friends about how Angelina came up to her after the quidditch party. 

"Amelia are you stupid." Ginny was about to slap Amelia across the face but Hermione pulled her back. "I was completely drunk that night and George put me in his dorm, so when Fred and Angelina came they stayed for a bit chatting with me before the two of them fell asleep." Amelia gasped not knowing what to say. Angelina lied but why would she. Fred was never lying to her he would never lie to her. Amelia let out a sigh of relief, 'how could I have doubted him.' She needed to make it up to him, the girl felt terrible for starting an argument with him. 

"She probably said that to make you jealous. Angelina's always had a thing for Fred." Hermione added trying to find some sort of explanation for Angelina's dreadful actions.

All Amelia wanted to do was run up to Fred and kiss him, but she couldn't he wasn't hers to kiss. Now knowing nothing had happened between Fred and Angelina, she felt as if a heavyweight was lifted off her shoulders. A smile crept onto her face but Amelia hid it away. "Let's go to bed we have to pick up Harry tomorrow." Hermione made her way to her mattress snuggling into the sheets. 

Ginny turned off the lights, the only light entering was from the moon glistening in the night sky. Amelia let her sleep consume her. Besides her Legilimecy taking over her earlier in the day today had been a good day. 

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