Chapter 20

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"Wake up. It's Christmas." Amelia woke up to Katie hitting her with her pillow. This happened almost every year during Christmas. The girl was always excited during Christmas it was one of Katie's favourite holidays.

"Ugh, I'm up." She yelled, she couldn't be mad at Katie, it was Christmas after all. The two rushed down the stairs to find the rest of the group sitting around the fireplace. "Merry Christmas Amelia." Ginny hugged Amelia and Katie as the two took their seats on the sofa.

"Merry Christmas Ginny." she smiled at the young girl. Even though Amelia and Ginny weren't that close Ginny was always seen as a younger sister to Amelia.

The rest of the group was talking about their plans for the day, while Amelia scanned the room looking for Fred. "George where's Fred?" He was usually the first one to wake up on Christmas mornings so it was a bit odd without him. "He'll be here soon. Don't you worry." His voice sounded mischievous and a smirk was on his face. Why was he acting like that she thought, pushing her subconscious to the back of her head and focused on talking to her friends.

After fifteen minutes loud footsteps could be heard coming from the stairs. Fred made his way to the sofa taking a seat next to Amelia and greeting everyone. "Alright should we start opening our presents," he asked.

Amelia grabbed the gifts she got for everyone and started handing them out. Lee found his key chain fascinating, it was a small gift but Lee didn't care. Katie loved her hand lotion, George found the musical box quite entertaining.

Amelia brought out Fred's present and handed it to him. "On the first train ride, we bonded over these." a small smile was on her lips. "Amelia this means so much to me. Thank you." Fred's smile was wide, it wasn't the best gift, but it meant something to the two of them. "We can read these tonight." He winked at her causing Amelia's nose to go pink.

Katie had given Amelia a new perfume bottle as Katie always used her old one. George had given her vomiting toffees which could help get her out of class. Lee had given her fuzzy socks, which she adored. She was still waiting on Fred's gift but didn't want to pester him.

Once everyone had received their gifts Amelia went up the stairs to put her's away. She placed her gifts on her desk and noticed a small present on her bed. Sitting next to the present was a note that said: "open me." Amelia pulled apart the red ribbon, slowly opening the lid of the box rose petals appeared and sprinkled themselves on the floor leading down the stairs. The box was now empty, at the bottom it said: "follow the petals and find me." Amelia did as instructed, collecting a few petals from the floor she made her way down the stairs to see Fred waiting for her. He stretched out his arm for Amelia to take ahold of.

"Fred what's going on." Amelia was still standing on the staircase looking down at Fred. So this is what it's like to be taller than Fred Weasley, she thought to herself smiling at him.

"Amelia Whisp. Our friendship has always been the best. We have our own secrets together, inside jokes and of course our own private moments." Her eyes were filled with joy and he could see the wrinkles forming around Amelia's eyes as she smiled. "I want to take it one step further and make it official. Will you be my girlfriend." Her cheeks red and burning up. I'm finally going to get him.

"Yes absolutely." Fred's arms went around her waist, lifting her up. She met his eyes and kissed him deeply. She could hear her friends cheering in the background. Usually, she would be embarrassed, but she didn't care because she was with Fred.

The two took their seat chatter filling the Gryffindor common room. Amelia sat in between Fred and Harry. His arm around her waist.

She whispered to Harry who was staring directly at Ginny "So when are you going to make your move on Ginny." His face flushed a deep red, shaking his head. "What are you talking about I don't like Ginny."

"Is that why you've been staring at her." Harry's face was as red as a tomato he looked down in embarrassment. "Will you help me get her." He asked Amelia nodded. She knew that Ginny like him back, now she just had to get them together.

The rest of the day Amelia spent with her group. So far it was her favourite Christmas. She couldn't stop herself from smiling, Fred and Amelia were officially together. She thought about kissing him and doing things to him which she was too shy to do. Butterflies consumed her stomach.

"Love you alright," Fred asked noticing her facial expression changing. "Nothing I was just thinking." a cheeky grin went across her face confusing Fred.

The group including the golden trio and Ginny decided to visit Hogsmeade. None of the teachers really cared if the students left Hogwarts during the holidays so everyone joined. The wind was cold against Amelia. She was shivering like crazy. Goosebumps appeared on her skin, her brown locks flowing with the wind. Fred noticed her state. He lifted the side of his coat and pulled her in. Amelia was snuggling up against his chest, his scent engulfed her nostrils.

The nine of them had reached the 3 broomsticks. Fred ordered nine butterbeers. It was Ginny's first time trying it, she was instantly in love with the warm drink. Amelia sipped the warm liquid instantly heating up her body. She was still pressed up against Fred's chest. Amelia sat there listening to his heartbeat. It was calming, with every beat she heard she felt her body relax.

The golden trio left after finishing their butterbeer. Soon after Ginny and Katie left. Then it was just the four of them. Talking about Hogwarts, professors they hate and assignments that were soon to be due. It was peaceful.

As the sun began to set the four made their way back to the great hall just in time for their Christmas feast. Amelia was starving, she grabbed a chicken drumstick eating as fast as she could. She dumped fried rice onto her empty plate, her mouth, watering at the sight of the food.

Katie was sitting next to Amelia talking to Lee about the assignment Snape had given them. The twins were discussing their valentines products. Amelia, on the other hand, was engrossed in her dark chocolate pudding. Once she was satisfied she made her way up to the common room, Katie by her side.

The rest of the night was spent playing exploding snap, and eating chocolates, including the muggle chocolates Fred, got during his stay with Amelia. Amelia soaked up the moment of her friends laughing at George's jokes, and how this would be her favourite Christmas.

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