Chapter 51

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Amelia POV

"Amelia. Come on it's time to go." I heard Fred's light whispering. My eyes fluttered open and instantly met with his cinnamon eyes, Fred was so close to me I could feel his breath wash over me. His hands were wrapped around my bare arms allowing goosebumps to form. He must have realised how close we were and instantly pulled away, before making his way towards Ginny and Hermione giving them a small nudge before walking out the room. 

 I couldn't help but think to Fred and my time the night before. His pendant was still wrapped around my neck every time I looked at it I instantly thought of him. Changing out of my pyjama's and into a pair of black leggings along with one a 'The Weird Sisters' shirt I stole from Ginny. Mr Weasley said there was going to be a lot of walking before the Quidditch cup, and I wanted to be well prepared. 

I made my way down the stairs seeing most of the Weasley's whining about waking up far too early in the morning. Ginny looked like she was about to fall asleep in her cereal bowl, George had his head placed on the table by the looks of it he was sleeping. Harry was trying his best to keep his eyes open, and Ron threw his head back with his mouth wide open. 

I took a seat beside Fred adding a heap of scrambled eggs in my plate. He smiled at me before whacking his twin on the head. "I'm awake." George shot his head up groaning at Fred making me laugh. 

"Alright, kids. Time to go, Charlie Percy and Bill will apparate to the quidditch match during lunch. Best we get moving." He clapped his hands before making his way outside. 

I noticed Fred and George were shoving some of their candies in their pockets. The twins had the smuggest looks on their face thinking they had gotten away with smuggling their sweets. "Oh no, you don't empty your pockets now." Mrs Weasley waved her wand at the twins allowing the golden wrapped sweets to spill out of their pockets. "I told you to get rid of them, instead you make more and try taking them on your trip. If I found out earlier I would have taken your privileges of going to the quidditch cup." She huffed allowing the different sweets to hit the floor. 

Unlike the twins, I had packed some of their sweets in my bag. "Yout too Amelia." Mrs Weasley waved her wand at me once more yet nothing came out. She huffed making her way back to the sink. The twins began to sulk making their way out of the small house following close behind their father. 

"Boys I have something that will make you feel better." I winked at them and could have sworn a blush was appearing on Fred's cheeks but that could have been from the cool wind hitting his face. "Instead of shoving the sweets in my pockets, I packed them in my bag." Instantly their eyes lit up filled with mischief. 

"Amelia Whisp that's why I love you." Fred jumped before realising what he said. My eyes had gone wide. 'Loves me.' I thought to myself the heat creeping up my neck. We continued the walk, I, however, had joined Hermione and Ginny Fred and George behind me. I could feel eyes on me but decided not to look back. 


"Ahhh here it is." Amos Diggory wailed. The short chubby man was pointing to an old boot, everyone quickly crowded around the boot looking at it. Cedric, Amos' son was a charming Hufflepuff. I could instantly tell why Hermione and Ginny were so attracted to him. His pink lips and pale skin had the perfect colour contrast. Even though he was very good looking I didn't find myself feeling any sort of attraction to him.

"Alright everyone grab a hold of the boot. This will help us get to the quidditch cup." Mr Weasley instructed and I did as told. I stood in between Fred and Ginny. Once everyone was ready the portkey took off. I felt myself spinning in the air feeling the wind rush through me. I grabbed onto Fred's shoulder for support accidentally pulling him closer to me. "Let go." I heard Mr Diggory yell. Accidentally pulling my hand away too late my body collided with a hard chest. I heard Fred groan. My hands were placed on his sides, his hands had somehow found a way to my ass. 

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