Chapter 16

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"Enzo this is one of my friends from my boarding school, Fred this is Enzo he's our next-door neighbour." She was trying her best to keep up with her parents lie.

"Nice to meet you." Enzo brought out his right hand and shook Fred's hand. 

"Nice to meet you too," Fred responded. Amelia could feel the tension in the air. The boy she had a crush on was in the same room as the boy she wanted to have a crush on. Amelia and Fred noticed the confused expression on Enzo's face, she gave Fred her let me handle this look.

"Fred's flight arrived really early in the morning and he had been napping all day. We could go for ice cream another time." Amelia gave Enzo one of her I'm sorry looks as she really wanted to go out with him but somehow found herself back to Fred.

"It's getting late I should head out as well. Bye Amelia, bye Frank." shutting the door behind him before the two could respond.

"So Frank." She patted down on her bed signalling him to sit beside her. "What brings you to London." The two laughed at the name.

"I wanted to check in on you" taking a seat next to her. "And I wanted to see what the muggle world is like" Her heart skipped a beat. Fred Weasley was staying with her, in her house, in her room. 

"Oh, really I would love to show you around. How long are you staying for and where is your luggage." Her voice got all high and squeaky which happened when she got too excited.

"Calm down." he noticed the change in her voice. "Earl's going to be bringing my stuff tomorrow. And I don't know how long I'm gonna stay. I don't even know if your parents are okay with it."

"Are you kidding my parents love you. But we've got a muggle family downstairs and I don't want them to grow suspicious." The two spent the next hour catching up. Apparently, George and Susan were growing closer. Katie was beginning to move on but Lee was a mess. 

"Oh and I think George is going to pack some of the chocolates for valentines day, we can test them on your parents, if that's okay with you." His eyes were filled with joy and she could see that he was genuinely happy. 

"I don't think they'll mind." They two laughed at their mischievous plan and waited till the Collins left. There was a moment of silence, Fred used that time to take in Amelia's room. Her bed was placed in the middle with two side desks stacked with different books. Her chest of drawer was opposite the door. Many photographs were placed on it, he could see a photo of Amelia with her parents, her uncle and even Fred was in one of the photos. She had one large window that could look over the whole city. Amelia's ceiling was filled with glow in the dark stars. It seemed so magical to him. She wondered if Fred arrived a bit later would have anything happened between her and Enzo.

"Amelia they're leaving. I'm going to go down and greet your parents." He made his way to the door, Amelia following him. Her parents had met Fred multiple times at but he was unusually nervous.

"Ma Dad look who's here." Amelia looked towards a shy looking Fred. He looks so adorable when he gets shy.

"Fred it is so good to see you." Her mother embraced him in a warm hug. "Do you have a backup plan to tell her grandparents, they're not familiar with the wizarding world." She whispered in his ear to which he replied with a nod "We've got a good plan." 

The family made small talk with Fred and waited till her grandparents left. "Now Fred I have no problem with you staying here, but I need to know for how long and if you will be spending Christmas because I don't want Aubrey going crazy in the Kitchen." 

"I will let you know by tomorrow Mr Whisp." His first Christmas without George that would be weird, but he didn't mind it he would be with Amelia.

"Please call me Cyrus." Amelia loved seeing her parents and Fred talking casually. Even Fred was starting to feel like he was part of the family

"Alright, your father and I are going to go to bed. Amelia, there is a spare mattress under your bed, some of your father's extra clothes are in the laundry room. Goodnight you two don't stay up too late." Her mother kissed Amelia's forehead and the two made their way upstairs to Amelia's room. 

Fred brought out the mattress while Amelia went to the laundry room to grab clothes for Fred. She came across a pair of her uncle Alphard's sweater. She remembered him wearing it all the time it even smelt like him. Amelia brought the sweater to her nose and the smell flooded her nose. Cinnamon and vanilla from all the baking he did, along with the faint smell of coffee. She could feel the tears building up. Why did he have to leave? If he was here he would probably give her advice on how to get Fred. Amelia smiled to herself and made her way back to her room.

Fred was standing near her chest of drawers holding a picture, he quickly put it down realising Amelia was watching him. "Uh sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just uh curious." the boy was a blubbering mess. 

"Freddie you don't need to apologise." Amelia placed his clothes on the bed and walked towards him. "That's one of my favourite pictures. That's my uncle Alphard." pointing to the moving picture. 

"You really miss him don't you," Fred was the only one who knew about her uncle. On the 17th of May every year Amelia would take the day off to be by herself, everyone wondered why she would take the day off but Fred was the only one who knew.

They spent the rest of the night watching bad horror movies on Amelia's old laptop. Fred's head was placed in her lap as she ran her fingers through his fiery red hair. Fred was so interested in the moving film he had his eyes glued to the screen. Amelia wasn't focused on the movie but on the boy watching it. 

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