Chapter 83

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The dorm looked the same since she had last left it this morning. Beds made, a couple clothes scattered here and there along with the picnic blanket tossed in the corner. Amelia quickly freshened up in the bathroom as her friends entered her room.

There was a slight awkwardness building in the air, her friends were still waiting for Amelia to come clean about this week. Though she owed it to them to come clean, and she owed it to herself. Lord knows her mental health had gone to shit in this past week, thanks to Alphard.

She exited the bathroom taking in a deep breath until she noticed Lee had found the two alcohol bottles Fred and Amelia stole this morning. "Well look what we have here," Lee chuckled as he held up one of the bottles.

"Do you mind?" Lee asked as he took a seat beside George on the floor.

"Not at all," Amelia chuckled as she shrugged.

Alcohol wasn't the best option in this case, but Amelia was keen to take the edge of and get rid of the awkwardness. Weirdly everyone was sitting on the floor, George and Lee resting their backs against Katie's bed, while Amelia, Katie and Fred rested their backs against the wall.

"Well which one should we open first?" George asked eyeing the pink liquid sparkling around.

"Both," Lee squealed, Amelia and Katie looked at each other knowing this wasn't going to go well.

As Lee popped open the muggle liquor Amelia opened the wizarding one. Both clinked the bottles together as Lee said "Cheers."

Amelia bought the finish of the bottle to her mouth, the cool glass hitting her lips as she tilted her head back slightly. She let the liquid flow into her mouth, it was sweet yet very bitter. The flavour rushed through her mouth as Amelia pulled back pulling a face. It was definitely very strong; the smell of the dark liquor went up her nose making her cough slightly as she pulled back.

"That strong eh?" Fred asked smiling, excited to try the liquor.

Amelia made a face as she nodded, "Oh yeah."

Lee had just pulled back from the muggle liquor, Amelia instantly recognised the clear liquid as vodka. His lips had turned pink and there was a slight rasp to his voice. "That tastes like shit."

The group chuckled as Amelia passed the bottle of red currant rum, though it had a slight twist to it. Amelia had seen the drink before, but this one looked different. Stronger and richer. Amelia shook her head the drink already kicking in.

"Alright I should probably tell you what's been going on," she spoke once everyone got a round of the drinks.

Amelia felt slightly nervous telling her friends the secret of Alphard, she didn't know how they would react. She wasn't even meant to be telling them anything, but she didn't care, she needed their support, and she needed their help.

With the alcohol giving her some confidence Amelia began. "Do you remember my uncle Alphard who passed away, well turns out he faked his death and became a death eater."

Lee chocked on his drink as Kate said, "Oh shit."

"You're joking right?" George asked in complete shock.

Fred already knew some parts of the story, he shook his head, "Nah she's not."

The room went silent, and Amelia cleared her throat wondering if this was a good idea after all. "Well soon after I met him on the astronomy tower he began to contact me, he wanted me to join him... and by join him I mean he wanted me to become a death eater."

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