Chapter 5

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The second class was over Fred packed his things and bolted out of the classroom. Amelia was about to speak to him when he brushed her away like she didn't matter at all.

Katie took notice and asked, "What's his problem?"

"No clue, we had a great class earlier and now he acts like I don't even exist."

The two girls made their way out of the classroom to spot Fred and Stan in a heated argument. Both looked like they were going to break out into a horrible fight. Before she could step forward and ask what was going on. Fred's fist came flying into Stan's nose. Warbeck let out a cry but quickly recovered before punching Fred in the eye. 

A crowd was slowly forming but before the fight could escalate Professor McGonagall interrupted using her wand to separate the two. No one had any idea why Fred would pick a fight like that, he got along with everyone. As McGonagall dragged the two boys to detention Stan winked at Amelia, his blue eyes sparkling, and his brown hair flowed with the wind.

"What was that all about?" Katie asked, a sucker for drama.

"No clue, but it's not like Fred to pick a fight at all. He's sweet to everyone."

Amelia had never seen Fred like this, nor did she understand why he acted that way. As he was walking by with McGonagall and Warbeck, she noticed his resentful upset face.


After a long day of classes Amelia was left alone with her thoughts as she laid in her bed. All these questions came into mind like why Fred was so hot and cold towards her? What the hell had even happened earlier in the morning? Why was he being so flirtatious? And Merlin, it was the first day and Fred had already gotten into a fight. Realising she wasn't going to sleep anytime soon she made her way to the Gryffindor common room. Seating herself on the plush red couch Amelia read a book from one of the bookshelves there and had a glass of water beside her. Page after page she read but the book was boring, and she began to feel drowsy. Her eyes grew heavy and just as she felt she was asleep thumping down the stairs awoke her.

Someone was coming down the stairs and if it was those stupid Prefects like Percy, he was definitely going to give her a detention. Amelia knew trying to escape was useless, so she mentally prepared herself for whatever was to come. The figure came closer and closer until it was in her sight. A tall figure stood at the bottom of the staircase and when she realised it was Fred, she released her breath.

"Amelia? What are you doing up so late?" Fred asked not expecting her to be there at this hour.

"Yea It's me. What are you doing up so late?" Amelia asked while making space for him on the couch and signalling him to sit. "I needed ice." He pointed towards his eye which was a faded purple. "Let me get it. You sit." She walked towards the tray which had glasses and a jug of water along with ice. Amelia placed the ice in the napkin neatly tied it up and made her way back to the boy who was sitting on the sofa. 

The moonlight was soft against his skin and the fire gave him the perfect glow. Sitting down beside him she gently lifted the ice and brought it to his swollen eye. He winced and jerked at the pain.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," she apologised gently pressing for a few minutes and brought it down. Bringing her vacant hand, she caressed his soft cheek and almost felt the heat rising to his cheeks. Was he blushing she thought to herself?

The two of them were so caught up in the moment she barely realised that he was only in his shorts. She took in his abbs and felt the butterflies appear in her stomach once again. "Staring again are we" Fred had a smirk on his face and you could tell he loved embarrassing her like that.

"No, I was just erm," she wasn't a bad liar but right now there was no way she could come up with a good excuse, "checking to see if you needed ice on your stomach." she said quickly. 

"Alright love whatever you say," he chuckled.

Fred had caught Amelia staring but this time she caught his eyes roaming her body. Her pyjamas were only a tank top and sweatshorts and without her warm blanket she found the common room was cold even with its fire. Her nipples were poking through her top and she brought her hands to her chest trying to cover up. Thinking that Amelia was cold he took her two hands and brought them to her mouth warming them. They two began to lean in so close that Amelia thought her first kiss was about to happen. She stopped only inches between each his face looking into his lust and hunger filled eyes.

"Cute top," he said breaking the silence and the two burst into laughter.

Disappointed she didn't get to kiss him, but it didn't matter as all she knew was that she had got her best friend.

"Goodnight love," teasingly she kissed his cheek, using the same nickname he had given her before and made her way to the stairs.

"Goodnight love," he whispered back.

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