Chapter 60

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A/N: Smut Warning

The next morning Amelia woke up later than usual thanks to her hangover. Luckily Katie had left some 'sun rising' potion for Amelia, which would help with her hangover. Quickly dosing down the potion which had a bitter after taste she made her way to the bathroom getting ready for the day. Amelia could barely remember what happened last night, she remembered dancing, she remembered seeing Fred in the stair way and she remembered Lee dancing on the table belting out to some muggle song, but that was it. She didn't drink a lot. Did she?

Now being in her sixth year she only had two classes for the day giving her enough time to rest and recover for tomorrow. The potion was definitely starting to kick in, but Amelia was still trying to gain last nights memories. She made her way to the great hall noticing most of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were completely hungover. The twins were probably running late as only Katie and Lee were sitting in their spot.

"Lee last night's performance was amazing," Amelia teased as she sat next to him. One of the vivid memories she had of last night was Lee dancing on the table. He was a good dancer just not the best when he was drunk.

"Would you keep your voice low, I don't want people hearing about that," He said through gritted teeth cringing at the thought of the memory.

The teasing between the girls continued till a Beaubaxton, Odette pipped in. Amelia had seen her around before hanging around with Arline once or twice. "Honestly I think Lee looked dashing in his Gryffindor sweater."

Lee smirked and the group finished their breakfast in silence making small talk with the Beaubaxton here and there. Lee Katie and Amelia finished up with their breakfast and started to make their way to Charms class.

"You see that, the pretty French girl liked my dancing," Lee beamed, "jealous now are ya."

Katie simply rolled her eyes before saying "She didn't even mean it, she probably lying to you."

"Darling don't be jealous you're still by number one girl," Lee sniggered, and Katie huffed as she took her seat next to Amelia.

Class started and Amelia saw Fred come in. He looked like a complete mess, his hair was sticking up like he just got out of bed, his shirt was untucked, and dark circles were under his eyes. Usually, he'd look back at Amelia and give her a smile but today he gave her the cold shoulder. As Professor Flitwick continued his lecture Amelia decided to continue with her work. She told herself that he was too tired and shouldn't dwell on it for too long. The last thing she wanted to be was the clingy girlfriend. Professor Flitwick assigned the class their semester assignment which would carry twenty percent of their grade. Luckily for Amelia she found Charms class quite easy and knew she would do fine on the assignment.

Amelia started to make her way to muggle studies parting her ways with Katie. Winter was starting to creep in, the sky turning into different shades of grey and the wind was cold and harsh. Amelia was about to turn the corner when she felt a harsh cold grip on her wrist.

She winced as she was pulled into a dark corner by her lover. "Did I do something last night or say something," he pushed his red hair back in frustration. "Look I'm sorry if I'm rushing you into this, but you were the one who said you wanted it." Fred was mumbling and trying not to make eye contact with her.

"You can not just lead me on like that. It's not okay," He looked angry with her to say the least. Amelia was trying to tell him that she barely remembered last night and was very confused with what he was saying, but Fred kept cutting her off.

"If you want this relationship to work than you have to talk to me, you can't just walk away like that and not show." Amelia felt horrible for whatever she did.

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