Chapter 23

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Amelia woke the next morning to an empty bed. She could no longer feel Fred's warm presence. Amelia's body was tangled in the sheets, only wearing her bra and panties. Memories from last night came rushing back, the thought of Fred touching her made goosebumps appear on her skin. 

Amelia heard the shower stop, trying to make herself look more presentable before Fred came. She quickly grabbed one of Fred's shirt she had stolen from a couple of nights ago. Quickly making her way to the dresser she caught a glimpse of herself. Bruises all over her neck, her lips were a swollen red, she looked down at her legs, seeing the marks Fred had left on her from the night before. A gasp left her lips, she looked different but a good different. 

"Morning love," Fred said making her jump. With nothing but a towel hanging low around his waist where she could see his v-line. Trying her best not to drool, Amelia made her way to her boyfriend. Her arms around his neck. "Morning." standing on her tiptoes she pressed her lips against his. 

Fred's hands made his way towards her ass, which in return she wrapped her legs around his waist, never separating their lips. Fred made his way to the bed, Amelia now straddling him again. Her lips went towards his neck sucking and nibbling until she heard him moan. The familiar heat building up, between the two. She felt herself pooling in her panties all over again. Before Amelia could go one step further, a loud knock on the door was followed by "Amelia open the door it's Katie." Both Fred and Amelia separating themselves from each other. Amelia quickly placed a pair of shorts on while Fred, grabbed last nights clothes putting them on as fast as he could. 

Amelia opened the door to see a blushing Katie. She hadn't notice Fred was in the room, beginning to rant. "Last night things started to get serious with me and Lee both of us were drunk at first, but as we began to sober up, one thing led to another and I ended up giving him a blowjob. Hey Fred. Fred!" Katie's eyes widened and her face red from the embarrassment. All three of them stood in silence trying to comprehend what just happened. I'm definitely telling George, thought Fred. Katie and I gave our first blowjob on the same night we're twining thought, Amelia. Fred is definitely going to tell George thought, Katie.

"I'm gonna go," Fred spoke awkwardly, Katie was about to say something but Fred cut her off. "Don't worry Kaite, my lips are sealed." He pretended to seal his lips, leaving a small kiss on Amelia's lips before leaving the dorm. 

"Tell me everything." Amelia was desperate to know the gossip. The two sat down on the bed, Katie's cheeks still red. 

"Well we were dancing and everything was fine. I was pretty much drunk, and he was practically taking care of me. During our dancing breaks, he would give me water instead of firewhisky. And then during the countdown, everyone was kissing around us, I went for a hug but instead, he kissed me. I knew it wasn't good for me, but suddenly all of these feelings came rushing back and I kissed him back." Amelia was shocked with the information Katie had given her. Lee and Katie would make a great couple, but she was just starting to get over him. Amelia thought to herself. "Next thing I knew he was taking me to his dorm room and one thing led to another and I gave him, well you know." She looked down in embarrassment. 

"Katie I think you and Lee would make a great couple. It's clear he wants you too. I think you guys should talk about each other. And if it makes you feel better I gave my first blowjob as well." Amelia smiled, thinking back to her wild night. 

"Amelia you and Fred that's great. Hey, we had one of our first on the same night as each other." Katie smiled happy that her friends love life wasn't as complicated as hers. The two gossiped for the next hour while cleaning up the room. Once the two had showered and were ready they made their way to the great hall for lunch. 

The common room was a mess, but the seniors who held the party were cleaning up lasts nights mess. Katie was a nervous wreck, she did not want to see lee right now. Amelia kept assuring the nervous brunette, trying to give her as much advice as possible. 

Amelia sat beside Katie and opposite Fred. Lee was avoiding making eye contact with Katie and George was nowhere in sight, but Amelia pushed that thought aside her main focus on the awkward couple. Fred was going on and on about his joke shop. Not caring about the awkward tension between the two.

 "Lee can we talk," Katie spoke softly and swiftly. Silence fell between the four of them. The three of them waiting for Lee's response. "Um, yeah sure." and just like that, the two got up walking out of the great hall. 

Amelia wondered if they would work things out, but it wasn't her business. She cleared her head focusing on Fred who was smirking. "Well did you enjoy last night?" he asked teasingly. "Yes, I did." she began to lean forward bringing her lips to his ear. " I know you enjoyed screaming my name last night." Her hot breath against his skin made his hair stand up. Amelia's hands went under the table, slowly rubbing her hand over his thigh until she reached his cock. Now she was smirking. Fred's eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed a deep pink. She made her way out of the great hall leaving Fred starstruck with what just happened.

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