Chapter 11

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Izzy's POV

"I'm so happy you stayed." I whispered to Luke as he laid next to me in my bed. We were cuddled up in my bed after our long night with Kyle and Josh.

"Why wouldn't I have stayed?" He asked quietly and kissed my forehead.

"Because I never told you about Josh or Kyle." I sigh, happy he isn't leaving me.

"I think what you did is crazy sweet. I don't know anyone who would take care of their best friends kid after..." He didn't want to say it, but it's okay. I've come to terms with the fact that my best friend died. She's in a better place now, and I will do everything in my power to make sure her little boy is safe and okay until he sees her again.

"After she died. Yeah. I feel like I owe it to her. I owe it to her kid. Kyle is such a good kid. He does great in school and with friends. And she, she was a saint. Sure she got pregnant young, but they loved each other. She trusted him with her most precious item that she could never get back. And now they have a kid. A kid that they both love so much. I just want Kyle to feel the same love before his mom died. And I know if Josh could, he'd be here. But I understand that he can't, so Cam and I look after cute little Kyle." I smiled back on my best friend. She really was a saint. Never did anything wrong ever. And I don't think her having sex with Josh and having a baby was wrong. They truly loved each other. They planned to be together forever, so it wasn't wrong. It was just soon.

"You're amazing, you know that? Absolutely amazing." Luke carressed my cheek and kissed me passionately.

The doorbell rang, and since Luke, Kyle, and I are the only ones home, Luke groaned and got up to answer the door in just his boxers. He wouldn't let me do it; I mean, I'm in only my underwear and his t shirt. I laughed at the thought of going out there to see who it was in this, but Luke would kill me.

I walked down to Kyles room instead and picked him up out of his bed. "Hi." I smiled at him in my arms.

"Gmorning." He grumbled sleepily.

"Are you hungry, my little man?" I asked, kissing his cheek.

"I'm a big man!" He said strongly, making me giggle.

"Okay, big man, are you hungry?" I rephrased.

"Yep." He smiled, showing some of the gaps in his teeth.

"Alrighty then. Lets eat!" I brought him in my arms to the kitchen listening to him telling me about some of his dreams.

"I drove the airplane right through! I was a super hero! I had a cape and a hat and it was blue and red and I was flying everywhere." He explained as I sat him down on the counter. He swerved his hands around while he told the story.

"That sounds amazing, Ky." I smiled at him while I fixed his cereal. I had no idea what his dream was about truthfully, but I decided to humor him.

"Hey, baby." Luke came in followed by Jak, Thomas, Ricky, and Carlos. "Hey, Kyle." He messed with Kyle's hair before standing by me with his arms around my waist.

"Hi, guys." I waved at the guys now listening to Kyle's dream as well.

"Hey, Izzy." Ricky walked over and kissed my cheek and hug me.

I smiled at the charming boy that I've come to love like a brother. Luke placed himself next to me with his arm around my shoulders protectively. I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior and turned my attention back to the boys in my kitchen.

"Ricky, Jak, Thomas, Carlos, this is Kyle, my son." I smiled at the boys as I ruffled Ky's hair.

"When did you have sex?" Jak's eyes almost popped out of his head.

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