chapter 1 •~MOVING ~•

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Departing Zambia couldn't be more deplorable the thought of never seeing Mum makes me feel devastated, and leaving all my family and friends behind is another heart-rending thing I wish things could have been different, Too bad I won't be able to see my cute neighbour Kyle every dawn before going to school, Argh everything in my life keeps going from bad to Worse.

'' Amelia, have you finished packing " Dad calls out making me snap out of my notions.

"Am done Dad just packing my shoes!"

If I had a choice I wouldn't want to leave, I like it here after all it Is my hometown the place that I grow up in, After Mum left, Tori has never left my side she's been my shoulder to lean on and my ride or die.
Tori's my best friend,we've been friends since we were six, I met her when we moved to Chelstone after we met each other we connected instantly,she's my type of person, My dad is American while my mum is Zambian they met at college in San Francisco, my mum won a scholarship to study at a university in san Francisco from Zambia and from there she met her "true love..." in quotes
Did I mention Tori's mum and mine Were really good friends in high school, Tori and her mum used to visit us every Christmas holiday but ever since my parents separated life has never been the same.

''Amelia!! Am going to miss you so much It's such a shame your moving to another country I was planning on doing a lot with you this spring break" says Tori as she comes sprinting towards me.

"I'll miss you too and just because am Moving away doesn't mean we won't get to see each other, for us distance is no barrier girl, I'll make sure to come here every time schools close, because I can't live without my best friend ".

" I pray you'll keep your word ,this sucks I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown , " mutters Tori as she helps me put my things behind dads truck.

''Amelia we have to get going make sure you haven't left anything behind" says Dad.
Tori and I exchange hugs, and afterwards, I try to stay resilient It hurts to leave my other half behind.

Ava locks the door to the house as she bids Tori goodbye and heads to the car. "well I guess this is goodbye for now I'll keep in touch" I voice out

I get in the car as well and sit at the back, Ava and Dad are in the front,as we start driving to the airport I grab my phone from my pocket and plug in my headsets as I listen to one of my favourite songs beautiful scars by Maximilian.

The city we live in is fading as we drive away, I feel like we are going to take forever to reach the airport, and my dad getting a new job is changing a lot of things.
We arrive at the airport and get on our flight. After some hours I decide to sleep because exhaustion is taking over my body, I'm already getting abhorrent just by sitting in here I hope we will get there soon because this feeling is atrocious.


''Wake up Amelia we are here!" I hear Ava larking in my ears, after we got off the plane we got on a taxi to our new home, and just upon arrival I couldn't believe my eyes because this place is fascinating everything around me amazed me, I was pretty tired from travelling so I took a nap in the car, I get out of the car and take a look at the place I must say it's quite Exquisite and better than the one in Zambia. we have a huge backyard and a pool ,too bad I can't swim, The kitchen is a medium one but it looks tremendous, and the living room interior design has a modern and mid-century design, I'm so in love with this place.

"I'll go take a look at the bedrooms"Ava utters as
I hear her calling from upstairs saying she's getting the bigger room ,it's fine because I think this medium room is nice and perfect for me, it has purple and white walls afterall purple is my favourite colour so I don't mind getting this room, I start unpacking all my things and putting them in place.
After a few hours, my room looks organised and elegant, my stomach starts rumbling as I rush downstairs to find something to satisfy my tummy, As I approach the living room area, I see Ava massaging dads head, I'm certain she'll want something in return ,today being Saturday I only have one day till Monday ,the day I start going to Crown lake high just thinking about it gives me shivers meeting new people and adjusting to the new environment.

"I'm ravenous when's the pizza going to get here I can't take it anymore" I utter

"Patience girl, you look like a hungry beast " mutters Ava.

"Well, patience is what I don't have" I retort.

We hear a knock at the door I think that must be the pizza delivery guy.

" I'll go get the door" says Dad, a few minutes later he comes back with two large boxes of pizza and it's my favourite flavour pepperoni.
When we are done eating I head upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me.
well ever since Mum left, nothing has been the same I can see Dad isn't as happy as he was but he hides it, he even went as far as making us leave mums home country but I'm sure it was for the best.
I suppose she had her reasons for leaving. whenever Ava and I tried asking about why they divorced Dad always says things just didn't work out ,but I certainly think there's more to it, I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling trying so badly to fall asleep, After tossing and turning I fail to fall asleep ,so I decided to do one thing that will help me sleep I decided to scroll through Instagram and see new updates from Holden Andrew's every girl daydream his muscular with blue eyes and black platinum hair I've had a crush on him since I was 14 well you can't blame me his hot if only I got the chance to meet him, Back when I was in Zambia I could only dream of meeting him but now that I'm here I have a feeling I'll get to meet my online crush.
His well known because his an heir to one of the wealthiest people, I've been crushing on him since I watched a couple of videos he posted on Instagram, and TikTok, Tori and I used to follow one of his parent's reality t.v.shows just to catch a glimpse of him every day, It's as funny as it sounds, Tori and I tried creating fandom accounts to send him tons of messages but he would never reply to any of them, I mean why would he reply to some low-class girl's messages, Holden and I are in two different worlds I reckon we will never meet.
Tomorrow's going to be the start of something new and I wonder what life has installed for me this year.

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