chapter 5: -PHOBIAS-

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Listen to Alone by ava max & alan Walker for this chapter
~~Amelia's pov ~~
It's so unfortunate that school is not an option, coming to crown lake is like a new beginning for me every day because I can never get used to it

'' how'd it go with you and Holden yesterday''  utters mia

"What can I say Mia you left me to cope with him while you left with your so-called boy crush ".

"Lia c'mon stop being dramatic , that was an opportunity  I couldn't  miss , I enjoy his company  , just as I anticipated  his fun to be around with".

"It's great you guys are getting along, well Holden isn't that bad  too "

"Just don't get too close to him I don't want Jordi doing anything bad to you Lia " utters Mia .

My first lesson today is music class and it's not that bad so far I haven't seen anyone I know, just a bunch of unfamiliar people

"Bonjour my talented students I am Mrs Scott for those meeting me for the first time, am aware you all saw on the school notice board we have a concert coming in a couple of months And am looking for the most talented students in this class, of course, Holden is our number one singer and he plays almost all the instruments,I would like someone to do a duet with him for our music festival coming up"

What! did she just say Holden, is he in this class ,I hope not, first he appears in my dreams,  and now in my favourite class.

"Excuse me, I haven't seen you in my class before, are you our  new member and what's your name?"

"Yes mam this is my first time in this class, and my name is Amelia"

"Nice name I love it, so Amelia can you sing or play any instrument ?"

"Well Mrs Scott I  sing , but I can't play any instrument as of yet however I'm learning how to play the piano".

"That's amazing you and Holden can Team up and sing a duet for the music festival "

"Umm Mrs Scott I don't think that's a good idea I can't sing in front of a lot of people I've got 'phobias ' I can't sing if there are large crowds"

"It's not scary you'll get over it," an equally smooth voice blurts out .
Must be Holden articulating because I know his voice.

"Holden, I was suggesting  you and Amelia duet for the  festival " she muses

''I have no objection Mrs Scott, It wouldn't hurt to duet with Amelia other than the other times we've   sung together" Holden says with a smile plastered on his face.

Everyone in class lets out gasps and is surprised that Holden and I  have sung together before, for heaven's sake it was just a one-time thing which was unplanned  ,did he wake up in a good mood today.

"Amazing if you guys have already tried to sing together am sure you wouldn't be uncomfortable singing together for the festival I just want to let you know you are free to use the music room for practice anytime you'd like, But for today please give us a demo  Amelia"

Holden doesn't hesitate as he goes to where the piano is, he looks at me with a look that says you'll be okay ,I just feel like choking him.

I don't know which song I should sing  I feel paralysed that I can't move my body or even utter something let alone sing, I inhale and exhale to relax, I open my eyes and see everyone still staring at me, I decided to sing alone by alan walker and ava max. I signal Holden a goal ahead to start playing his piano, everyone in class stays quiet and waits anxiously for me to start so I close my eyes and hope that I won't mess up.

By the time I finished singing the class was filled with silence, did I not do well, why aren't they saying anything? I think to myself.

"Bravo Amelia bravo" mrs scott utters and everyone else claps  and  simultaneously cheer my name ,one of the students shouted saying ''guess we have a new star in our class''

"Amelia you have a nice voice and I believe you and Holden will be great together, class is dismissed for today " mrs scott blurts out without giving me a chance to speak

Holden comes my way grinning " I didn't know you had such a great voice but it's nothing compared to mine he utters "Wow did he just compliment me, snap out of it Amelia he's not yours.

"Well for your information your voice is awful and that day you were singing in your car your voice sounded like a choking munchkin mr Andrew's so stop bragging." The girls who we're standing beside us chuckle but when Holden peers at them with a stern look  they  skedaddle.


"I didn't know my best friend had such a beautiful voice, Mia screams in my face, Amelia how couldn't you tell me you could sing like that You are going to be the next Ariana Grande! "

"Mia stop exaggerating " I muse

It seems like someone was taking a video of me singing and posted it on the school's page with the caption

''Every Girl's dream voice '' that drew everyone's attention to me because I keep receiving stares from each individual  around school

"So when are you singing for me, Amelia "

"Never did I tell her "

"Come on you sang in your music class but refused to sing for me, she utters while making her cute puppy dog face which is undeniably cute"

"Fine, I finally give in I'll sing at the sleepover we can play the karaoke game".

"Yay can't wait I'll also have to inform Blossom about it," says Mia smiling like an eight-year-old.

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