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Lyin' isn't better than silence
Floatin', but I feel like I'm dyin'

Still, no matter where I go
At the end of every road
You were good to me

I didn't know I would relate to those lyrics  later today.

Quoting lyrics of other songs is much better than writing your own,I've been thinking of what song  I should sing with Holden  for the musical ,I Am seated at the bleachers waiting for both Holden and Xavier to finish their football practice I guess  practice is done, Because  both Xavier  and Holden  are both  heading my way ,this has to be great right,I stare at my phone and try to act busy.

"Hi babe I hope you didn't forget our dinner plans at eight right?" I hear Xavier  utter.

I can see him and holden  aren't as close as they used to be ,I hope I'm not the cause.

"Of course  babe  I'll be there  , it's been on my mind all day"

Xavier moves forward  and  places a  soft kiss on my  lips,Holden looks appalled and uptight,but he obviously doesn't care ,he doesn't feel some type of way towards me and  I shouldn't take what Hailey said to heart.
"you'll find me waiting for you at the car park" Holden  says and strides off even before I could counter.

"Why are you meeting him at the car park " Xavier asks

"I forgot to mention I'll be rehearsing with him later ,but don't worry I'll make  sure to get at yours on time for the dinner "

"Oh, Then Let's get going  you don't  want to waste time here"

"Sure "I muse

"Orlando  get your arse here " The  coach  yells

"Oh shoot I won't be able to walk you down the car park , coach  wants to see me" says Xavier

"It's fine blue eyes, I reach out for Xavier  and  hug him , he must have seen me struggling to reach his height as he bends down to reach  me and  pecks my forehead"

"See you at eight babe " he mumbles in my ears.

I smile and grab my bag and get going , I arrive at the car park and see Holden’s car parked  a few miles  away   from where I'm standing , I  continue my walk to his car and knock on his window screen because he didn't notice I was posing  outside his car, he spots me  and the car door automatically opens and I get in ,He starts the car and doesn't utter a word, The silence  in the car seems so awkward, I clear my throat and start  a conversation .

"Have you thought of any song we are going to practice today ? "

"No " he gives a blunt answer

"What song do you think we should  sing on the actual day "

"I don't know yet, I was thinking of singing alone like always ". Holden mutters

"What? you do realise  its deemed to be a duet this  time  ?" I inquire

And I receive no answer from him

"Douchebag "I mutter under my breath.

We reach his house and he still hasn't said a word to me ,how are supposed to practice like  this.
We proceed inside and he glides upstairs and I pursue suit. .

" make yourself at home" he mumbles as he goes into another room attached to his, Holden's room has black walls and quirky lights  his bed is located at the  furtherest place in his room unlike Hailey’s, his left part of the room has a lounging area with bean bags and futon, I didn't think his room would be this large ,I lay on the bean bag and remove my note book and read the note’s Mrs Scott told us earlier ,i try to practice the notes on the song you were good to me by Jeremy zucker and Chelsea Cutler.

"Try singing in a lower tune and  don't strain Your voice,you're singing in the wrong vocal and you're not breathing correctly " Holden interrupts my singing.

"Try singing it like this instead" he demonstrates.


We've been practicing  for an hour and a half

"Can I get you anything " he asks

"Just some water will do"

He stands  up and  goes to the  small freezer in his room and gets me a water bottle.

"Thank you , I think I should get going it's almost seven  and I have to tell prepare myself  for tonight "I mutter

" Oh yeah I forgot , should I drop you off?"

"Yeah that would be great" I say while i roll my eyes

"Why are you rolling your eyes at me ?"  Holden says and chuckles

"Because I want to" We head downstairs  and  Holden’s parents  come to view

"Amelia its good to see you here , Holden didn't say he had company  " says  Holden’s mum

"His clumsy  it must have slipped his mind" I say

"Are you going to join us for dinner  " she tells

"It's so unfortunate  I can't  I've got other plans "

"Come on Amelia it would be nice for you to join us for dinner  if you're worried about your parents  I'll let them know you're here " utters Holden’s dad this time

"I would love to but... "

"No buts Amelia  pretty please, don't overthink it" says  Hailey  and  she drags me to the dinning area without my will.

I look  at Holden and he just shrugs  ,I check the time on my phone and it's 7:15pm I guess I can stay for 20 minutes then  leave for Xavier's place.

We all gather at the dinning area and  settle down as usual Holden’s sitting across me while Hailey is besides me and Mr Andrews is at the front  and his wife besides him , The butler serves us and everyone  starts enjoying their food ,After a while  of eating different  types of meals I look up to the clock at the centre of the room and the time reads 8:30pm ,oh shoot  am late I was supposed to be at xaviers by now.

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