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"Congrats honey am so proud of you " utters dad as he embraces me .

" I'm illustrious amelia and I'm sure mum would be proud of you" muses ava.

"Thanks everyone I wouldn't have been here without your support" .

I look up at holden and try to force a smile on my face

"Before I leave you two together I would like a photo of my daughter and me in her graduation gown" says dad.

"I'm on it Mr stone "utters holden as he clicks photos of us.

"See you at home sweetheart " mutters Dad .

Holden bends closer to me and hugs me ,damn I didn't know I missed his embrace this much I take in his scent and hug him tightly.
We both let go at the same time and I turn my gaze upwards to look him in the eyes.

"What are you doing here"  I utter

"That wasn't the type of welcome I was expecting" he retorts

"So ghosting me for a month is alright with you and showing up at my graduation ceremony with a bouquet of my favourite flowers as an apology is totally normal for you ,I know you said  we should keep everything on the low but I'm not sure if this is how it's supposed to be " I muse

"That's not what happened ,you got it all wrong " he mutters

"What's the right story?"

"I've been a bit busy and things haven't been that good at berkleee , my family  is  also  on the list of my never ending  problems  , I didn't want to drag you  into all of this".

" What  do you  mean?,we are  a couple  we  are supposed  to share  our problems  with  each other,  I don't think i can hold it in anymore , You've been busy for me but not for Riley I say while folding my arms" .

"Babe W-what are you talking about ,Where's all this coming from ?"

"I don't want to make a scene  here ,will talk about this at my place".

"Sure I think that's better , other than that I missed you "

"I missed you too ,I've been hoping you'd come back and tell me all this was lie", we reach holden's car and he opens the car door for me and he later gets in to.
Listen to stupid  by tate mcrae for this chapter.

Holden and I are currently laying on my bed facing the celing.

"What colleges or universities did you apply to ?"

"I applied at Suffolk University and Boston college" I muse and leave out berkleee because I wanted to surprise him but with what happened I'm seconding guessing ,I may not be picked either ways.

"You didn't apply at berkleee?"

I stay silent for while before responding, "umm no I didn't , I assumed  I wouldn't picked and the fees are high ,but will still get to see each other if I get in Suffolk or Boston".

"I thought you said you'd apply for a scholarship if it were berkelee "

"Plans change and I changed my mind" I muse

"Are you going to tell me what's bothering you " he mutters

I turn my head to face him and scoot closer to him ,close engough to feel the warmth of his breath on my face, I look him in the eyes and he Tucks my hair behind my ear and tries to say something but I stop him and rub my lips towards his with our warm bodies pressed gently together ,he finally closes the gap and gently kisses me , his lips feel warm and soft and they part slowly allowing my tongue to glide in , I kiss him more passionately like my life hinges on it .
We both pull out at the same time and just stare in each others eyes, I cant help but feel butterflies he makes me feel enlivened at the same time I feel like we don't belong because his sophisticated and hard to read.

"Mia showed me the video of You and Riley ,it didn't seem like you were busy when she was giving you a lap dance,I was here waiting for you but you couldn't  care less, because you were having fun with Riley ".

"It's not what it seems , I was drunk ,I didn't even know what was going on ,I wasn't aware about that video,I would never do such a thing to you "

"You'd never do such a thing to me but the fact is that you did and it hurts knowing that the two of you were together at some point"

"Yes but that was way back I'm now  with you Amelia and nothing can change that, I don't feel that way towards Riley  anymore ,she's just a friend "

"A friend that you make out with , that's just unacceptable, you know what, I've always known that you and I were never meant to be we didn't fit ,we still don't " I utter more like a whisper.

"What do you mean ,yes we do,we are perfect for each other" he says as he takes my hand and put it with his .

"To begin with You were never mine holden you and I both know that and with you gone it just made all that worse I don't want to hold on to something that will bring me hurt and not happiness".

"I'll try my best to be better for you ,I'm  certain Everything will be different for  the both of us  soon , we'll  make it work".

"I'm sorry holden but we have to let each other go , we were never meant to be in the first place ,you told me you're not good at long distance, but you went back on your word and suggested  we try to make it work ,but all you've ever done in this period was make me feel less of my self" I utter and pull my hand out from his .

He looks at me with maim  in his eyes.
"I hope you aren't making all these decisions out of sentiment, but if that's what you want then so shall it be ,just know that I won't stop caring for you ,maybe  I'm the reason you're holding back, if you feel that you'll do  better without me ,I'll let you go"  he  mutters and leaves  because  that's  what his good at.

As soon as he leaves I drop down to my knees and let all the pain out as I cry, I thought he was going to fight for me ,for us, but he didn't.

A few hours later.

" Are you ready ?" Asks my dad's he sits at my right hand side and Ava sits at my left.

"I was born ready dad but wait I want it to be a surprise so I'll close my eyes".

" fingers crossed this is it Little sis, I'm opening the email from Boston college " mutters Ava.

"What does it say ?" , I can't lie my hearts beating super fast right now.

" Wow ! You got in ,see for yourself "

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart , why don't we check the one from Suffolk too "

My dad clicks on the Suffolk University email and the letter pops up.

"We are sorry to inform you that you've been rejected for your selected program at Suffolk University "

Upon seeing that my smile fades,"Wow okay thats harsh ,I wonder if Mia got in ,I  already set my mind to it".

"Don't worry about it ,we still have berkleee why don't you open the email and check it yourself " utters dad.

I scroll through my email and open the one from berkleee , I inhale and hope for the best , I read through the email and I can't believe my eyes "I got in "I shout ontop of my voice as my heart fills with joy.

Ava and dad both cheer for me and we all do the victory dance .

"So which one are you going for Boston or Berklee?" Mutters Ava

"Exactly my question , I don't know what to do, Boston would be a fresh start  and berkleee  is  one of the  best institutions ,but if I go to Berklee I'll obviously  meet him .

Hey loves I hope you love the bonus chapter, I'm happy that forever isn't promised is at 5k reads I wouldn't have done it without your support and I'm working on a new book which is continuation of this one , I assure  you that the new book will be full of awesome ideas and steamy chapters ,whose eager to find out Amelias choice?
Comment down below on what you think .

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