chapter 14:- A MILLION WAY'S -

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"Holden?"  I muse with enthusiasm ,he glances  at me and doesn't mutter a word but walks out ,have I  become that invisible?.

"Amelia I think we should get going  the place usually  gets crowded " xavier mouths

Holden walked out without uttering a word did I do anything wrong or has he always been like that  , "Xavier don't you think Holden is acting sort of different "I mean he didn't say hi to either you or I

"I'm not really surprised  ,  I wonder what his doing here"

"Don't you think you and I would look good together?" He utters

Xavier's sentence kind of caught me off guard.

"Just think about it me and you  together" Xavier muses.

"Well Xavier, I don't know what to say ,Where's all this coming from". I retort

"Dont  worry princess  i was bantering , i hope  that didn't  make you  feel awkward or anything  because  you look uneased"  he converses

"Not really your question just caught me off guard"A few minutes later we arrive at the karaoke room.

"Amelia I missed you so much " glancing  ahead,  i see  a sprinting mia coming my way she jumps on me and gives me a tight hug.

"Ugh mia you squeezing my lungs "i muse while   tapping her shoulder.

" My bad , I  just missed you so much and we have alot to talk about especially school  affairs, it's boring but so much has happened, you know jordi and Holden are back together ,she can't shut up about it ,oh and spring break is coming up so which means we get to go on holiday, are you even listening "she asks

Is that why his cting weird, "yeah I heard everything you said Holden and jordi are back together blah blah and she can't shut up about it tell me more about the spring break holiday".

"Well it's a tradition at crown lake that every spring break holiday we go on a trip of course the school board will discuss on where we are heading last time we went to Santorini and it was awesome I wonder where our  destination is this time." Mia says and takes a  breathe because she's been blurting non stop .

"Does the school board have enough  money to sponsor each  child at crownlake?".

"Duhh Holden's family donates money to the school every month so do other parents but the Andrew's donate the most, is everything okay lia you seem distracted is it because I told you about Holden and jordi ."

"No it's totally not that  ,i mean where there ever not together?,am fine  okay, come on let's go in"  I take Mia's hand as we head inside and  look for where  Xavier and the others are , I spot him at the corner with Holden ,jordi ,caden blossom and zack.

"How did they all get here I only invited blossom and zack" mia says.

"Blossom must have invited them she's Jordi's friend  considering  the fact that  she's  in a relationship with Holden's friend".

Xavier's hand motions for us to move further.
"Little miss Africa  ,it's so good to see you after a while "jordi says in a sassy way  while holding Holden tightly like her life depends on it.

"My pleasure "I say while focusing my eyes on holden ,he looks my way but I turn my head to the karaoke machine instead.

"Let's get started blossom says ,whose going first" she asks.

"I think Holden and I should start don't you think so boo  bear"  Voices jordi

" i Don't  mind the others  going  first "Holden retorts and loosens the grip from jordi.

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