chapter 20: -FEELINGS-

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Amelias pov
I guess Ava is just being oblivious but I swear I could tell through her Voice that something was wrong I just hope all is well at home could there be a reason why dad isn't picking up his phone .

"Lia have you worn your sport's attire yet and why do you look by taken back, is something alright love" mia asks

"yes I have as you can see I am currently wearing it right now and yes am good I was just worried about Ava her voice sounded  hysterical on the phone"

"Am sure she was weary , you know her how  stressful her job is" mia utters

"Yeah am sure now let's go kick some butt at the sports arena"

We just arrived at the lobby of the hotel , rumours  have  it that Holden's father owns this hotel and jordi keeps bossing everyone around as if she's Holden's wife  or something  pretending like  she owns  this place, I must say Santa Monica is really beautiful especially at night I love how the light's are lit up so vividly.

"Goodmorning everyone I suppose you all know that we are on a spring break holiday trip and this is the time to have some fun and learn new thing's ,but that doesn't mean that we as a school won't be able to have some extra curricular activities , we have everything scheduled up, every morning you'll be participating in the school activity games and then the rest of the day is yours to decide on how you would like to spend it , As for this morning we are going to be playing volleyball  at the field,just follow your teachers for more information all dismissed "Mrs.Ross says I must say she's rocking her sport's attire she looks less serious and more jovial.

"Listen up everyone  am your volleyball couch today and I'll be putting you guys in groups of six so the first team will consist of mark woods ,Jena white , Elvis bradford , Holden Andrews ,blossom Martinez, please don't say my name and Amelia stone " Mr brown utters.

What the heck ,am on the same team as Holden hell no this isn't going to go well.

"Break a leg Amelia "Jordi utters

"Ummm thanks I'll take that as a  compliment considering the fact that you're just showing your courtesy towards me in an awkward tone"

"Take it as you want Amelia ".jordi utters and moves towards her team on the other hand I feel bad  for mia she's on the same team as jordi and those two are always on each others necks .

"Let the game begin team red you're up" Mr brown say's .

Holden bat's the ball and it serves across the other side and before it could touch down ,caden serves it back and so on and so fourth No sooner had  i turned than the ball that was serving fast hit directing towards my face feeling a cold sensation on my face I couldn't move the other way and the ball hit my right eye as I  immediately hit the ground ,I could  hear everyone gasp as they glanced at me looking at my left to see if there's anyone who could help me I see Holden unfortunately I couldn't see with my right eye because the ball hit it and I think it might be bleeding and probably  swell soon.
"Holden can you give me a hand" I murmur and set out my hand for help but he  walks away without helping me get up .
"I'll help you get up ,Jena say's and gives me a hand .

"Amelia are you alright Mr brown asks oh my god your forehead is bleeding everybody time out one of the players has been injured we can't continue playing the game ,jordi can I see you after this" Mr brown muses sternly.

"Do you want me to accompany you to the nurses office" mia asks

"Yeah I really do need a helping hand" I can barely see using my right eye.

"Amelia  I went to get some ice for you as soon as I saw the ball hitting your face, am really sorry there's nothing I could do  to help earlier  I didn't see it coming."

"Its all good Xavier you didn't have to, you aren't a superhero  wanting to save everyone " I utter,he looks a big offended by changing the topic.

"Is there something I could do" he argues back .

"No there isn't just please leave me alone for now"

"If that's what you want" he retorts and leaves the room I feel bad for pushing him away but I don't want to be with anyone  at the moment.

"Don't worry you'll be fine the wound wasn't that deep so you'll be okay by tomorrow though a small scar will appear  but it'll  vanish in a weeks time as for your eye it will nolonger be swollen by tomorrow " the nurse blurts out.

"What do you mean my scar will be visible for one week I can't be moving around like this ".

"Am sorry sweetie but it's the only thing I can do for you now." She says with a sympathetic smile and hands me some cream to app on My scar .


"I really don't know why Holden is acting like that towards me mia, I  mean I never did anything wrong to him I don't know what's up with his attitude"

"Amelia come on just except the fact that Holden is a jerk he literally saw your hand crying out for help and you were bleeding for Christ's sake any normal human being would have offered to help even though they aren't in good terms with you but he just walked away and left you there the sooner you except the fact that his a douche bag the better " mia argues .

"Huhhh I guess you're right does my eye look better now I wonder who could have thrown that heavy ball towards my face knowing the fact that it would hurt me ".

"We all know the culprit and it's jordi but little miss blind Amelia can't see that can she "

Just as I was about to utter a word a knock on the door to our room was heard.

"I'll go check on it" mia muses.

"Did someone order ' chocolate chip ice cream '' I hear Xavier's husky voice sound through the door .

"Come in" mia tells him .

"I think I'll go meet caden i'll see you guys later" she says and leaves the room.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at my ugly injured face or are you going to hand me my favourite ice cream"

"Oh shit am sorry I was  too busy staring at the beauty  infront  of me and no even if your eye is injured you're still the prettiest girl I've ever seen my one and only princess" Xavier says and grins.

"Why are you so nice to me Xavier "

"You already know the answer it's because I like you amelia and for that fact alot "

It hurts that I just don't feel equally the same  towards Xavier the amount of how much I like him couldn't measure to how much he likes me ,why is love so cruel the person that I love doesn't love me back and here I am with the most sweetest guy whose willing to do absolutely anything for me.

"So are we going to eat the ice cream or wait for it to melt"  I uttrr

Xavier offers me one spoon and opens the ice cream bowl " after you my lady" .

"Blue eyes you don't have to be so formal it's just ice cream you know that "

"I've been wanting to ask , would you like to go on a date with me "

"You mean like a date date "

"Yes princess a date date consider it a romantic tour around Santa Monica ,so what do you say ?"

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