38: The music we make

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3months later

SERENDIPITY finding something good without looking for it
That's exactly how I feel at this moment, in these two months holden has helped me be the best version of myself and I've learnt to accept certain circumstances, after that epic kiss we had when I was having a mental breakdown, things between us got heated and more advanced we went on mini-dates, our two families always hold a branch every Saturday so yeah we literally spend adequate time with each other, the amazing part is, he asked me to be his girlfriend on our fifth date and I just couldn't say no, we've gotten closer and my love for him has enhanced ,As for my mum, she's getting a bit better because she started her treatment, which will help her get through this ,I know she'll be  fine in the end,but I'll accept  whatever  the outcome.
Today's the day of the music festival and I'm thrilled, Holden and I have been practising almost every day, we finally agreed on the song we're going to sing ,I just found out that the music festival isn't just about singing and music, some  students are going to be showcasing their different talents but it's still called the music festival.

"Hi baby"says Holden as embraces me.

"Hey babe!" I retort

" I can't believe the big day is today, I've never really been nervous about my performances but I sort of am " he mutters

"Why ?,is it because we are dueting?"

"Might be the reason, I didn't think I would ever be dueting with my girlfriend at the music festival "

"It sounds too good to be true, the thing I can't get over is that we're together, I wonder why it didn't  happen sooner ".

"Maybe we were bound to be together now ,not in the past, how's your relationship with tate going?" Asks Holden

"So far so good , we are bonding, turns out we have similar things in common".

We are currently seated at the bleachers, I was here waiting for Holden to be done with football practice, we don't have class today because everyone's getting ready for the big night.


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to crown lake's music festival, the Real deal that everyone has been eagerly waiting for, perhaps not everyone because some of you don't care" says Mr.martins
The drama teacher whose also the host of today's programme ,I can't lie I feel a bit nervous because I've never sung on stage, the only time I was up on stage was in fourth grade when I was in a school play.

"Give it up for our first performance coming from our dance team then after will have a spoken poem by Mia Olivera " everyone in the audience applauds, and the dance team make their way to the stage

"Hi, Princessa "Holdens mutters as he comes to stand beside me.

"Hi Don't you feel a bit nervous" I ask

"No I don't and I want you to feel the same too, we've been practising I know you and I got this, when we are up there just pretend like it's only me and you .

"Here's a simple joke for our guests, how do you wake up lady gaga? , Poker Face! Mr.martins utters and the crowd laughs hysterically

"I'm positive you're enjoying the festival, Tonight's all about vibing and swaying to the beat for our last performance and first duet, help me welcome Holden Andrew's and Amelia stone.

"Babe remember what I said, let's show the crowd the music we make!" Says Holden vibrantly as he gives me a peck on the lips.
We make our way to the stage and the lights spot us, I notice my mum, dad and sister in the crowd, the Andrews are seated next to my family, my mum gives me a thumbs-up sign and sighs you got this.

Holden leads the song "Rewrite the stars by James Arthur and Anne Marie

As he sings His eyes bore into mine giving me a go-ahead sign


As we sing the last verse together, we stare into each other's eyes ,There is a saying that Eyes are the windows to the soul, The eyes are so telling and That's how you engage with people and bond with them.

"The crowd cheers and applauds for us "

We bow and head backstage, Holden and I firmly embrace each other.

"You guys were amazing out there, I can't believe I'm friends with celebrities " Mia squirrels as she approaches us.

"Why are you so dramatic Mia, Holden is the only famous one here"

"The video of you two singing is already trending on Instagram, your voices sync well together and you make a great couple, don't break Amelia's heart Holden this is a stern warning my best friend has been through a lot and I want her to be happy for once "

"You don't have to worry about anything, my queen and I are bonded forever" he muses.

If someone had told me I would end up with Holden In the End, I wouldn't have taken them seriously, Little did I know his the one I've been longing for all my life,I'm currently in holdens room after the music festival, we  decided to spend the night watching series and  talking about our  future.

"Babe are you still thinking about the  universities you intend to apply to?"

"How am I supposed to forget, I'll be a senior soon"

"You're supposed to be at ease,everything  will  turn out okay" he assures me , I love how he makes  me feel enlivened.

Holdens pulls me closer to him, close engough to inhale his scent, his gentle firm hands hold mine and his light blue eyes stare at me with adoration, our foreheads are bumped together and our lips are inches away, breathing heavily as he closes the gap our lips press together, His lips are warm and soft they part slightly allowing my tongue to slip inside his hand reaches my arse and he squeezes it tightly making a soft moan escape from lips,He bites my lower  neck  and  simultaneously  caresses  my   breast, he  continues giving   me sloppy kisses on  every  inch and  I can't help but feel this tingling sensation.

My phone unexpectedly rings and interrupts our moment as we pull away from each other.

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