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I pull out from Holden's hands and look ahead of me and see Xavier ,he didn't tell me anything about coming here infact we haven't talked the whole day.

"Xavier I was trying to.. "before I could finish my statement i get cut off by Xavier

"What are you doing here Holden ?"He asks

"Well I was just about to leave" muses holden

"He brought me home since my dad forget to come pick me up and I tried calling you but your phone was off so I didn't have any other means of getting home" I utter.

"Exactly what I wanted to tell you ,my dad called me to do some urgent work with our Orlando enterprise in Santa Monica I left my phone at the beach house that's why you couldn't get a hold of me am sorry for not letting you know earlier, why are you crying though is everything alright ?"

"I'll get going now I think you guys should talk" Holden say's and leave's.

I know Xavier isn't happy with what he just saw because the position that I and Holden were in didn't seem right.

"Can we go somewhere else I need to get something's out my brain I need something to refresh my mind."

"Sure princess we go at junior's and maybe chill there for a little bit what do you think?"

"Yes that's a great idea but can we just go for a drive first.?"
"Yeah sure " he mutters
we start heading to Xavier's Bentley and once we reach the car ,Xavier opens the front seat door for me  and  when we are both settled in I request for him to turn on the radio

"Princess is everything alright, you  don't look okay"

"Well I found my mum home , she left six years ago and abruptly showed today"I say not knowing how to go on any further but Xavier just gazes  waiting for me to go on.

"I found out some stuff on why she left and knowing all that broke my heart because I've always looked up to my mum ever since I was little ,finding out she was selfish and didn't think of my sister and I made my heart ache " I mutter through a cracky voice.

"Princess its fine if you're not ready to talk about it we can talk about something else"  he utters and wipes out the tears I didn't know started coming out.

"thanks alot Xavier "

"May I know what exactly you're thanking me for princess"

"For being there for me and just for being you  if I hadn't met you I'd  probably  be in my bed sobbing  ,Now turn on the radio and let's vibe"

Xavier turns on the radio and love me by stanaj comes up

This used to be one of my favourite songs I admit and I start singing to it.

"Welcome to junior's can I get your orders " utters the waitress after contemplating  so much ,xavier decided to bring me to junior's.

"I'll have an espresso "

"And I'll have cappuccino" Xavier says 

"Here you go Thanks for ordering at junior's" she say's and hands us our orders.

Xavier and I look for a closed off  booth and we spot one at the far end and my make our way there.



"Do you perhaps want to spend the night at my place? If you don't want to go back home"

"I would love to , but I guess I have to face the truth I can't run away from my problems"

"I understand but just call me if you need anything  and you're  always free to come by anytime you feel like"

"I don't know what I could have done without you, I can't get a hold of Ava I  wish I could talk to her right now  i wonder how she felt when she found out "

"Do you have any clue on where she could be at the moment" Xavier utters

"No not really ,I think we should head back now I'm really tired I barely rested considering the fact that it's been long day"

"Sure let's get you home"


We pull up at my place and exit the car.

"When am I seeing you again "Xavier asks

"Blue eyes you know where to find me "He moves towards me and leans in close to reach my height and gives me a warm embrace ,how I wish I would stay like this forever.
"Good night princess" he says while kissing my forehead.

"Good night Blue eyes " I muse while holding onto  him One more time before I let go.

I walk through my front door and notice Vanessa laying on the couch  reluctantly,I think dad's in the kitchen because I can smell the aroma of his favourite dish, I guess it's Time to face the reality .

"Is that your boyfriend?" Vanessa mutters keep your cool Amelia  my inner voice echoes

"Yes he is "

"I thought your boyfriend was the one you came home with "

"No ,holdens just a friend"

"Are you sure I thought you two have something going on the tension between you two is undeniably Alluring "

"Oh is it " I retort in a sacarstic way ,all this interrogation is making me lose my mind , just one more and I'll lose it.

"Sweetie stay away from these rich boys they'll hurt you ,use you and leave you wounded " she muses.

I huff not wanting to hear what she has to say anymore I know Holden would hurt me but am not with him am with Xavier and he wouldn't do such a thing.

"Just because it happened to you doesn't mean it'll happen to me too Vanessa"

"I'm your mother and I know  what's best for you  ,I don't think those boys will do you Any good"

"Don't refer to yourself as my mother ,you lost that right the day you decided to walk out on your family and didn't return" I mutter and rush to my room feeling agitated.

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