chapter 2 -NEW SCHOOL-

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Days went by so fast and Today is finally Monday just the thought of going to a new school sends chills down my spine. I get up and start preparing for school, I look pretty cute in this uniform it's giving copious vibes, Dad and Ava were very happy that I got a scholarship to one of the best schools in Denver ,well Tori said it might be worse when it comes to the people who go there because it's full of impudent rich kids who are way above my level, heading downstairs to make myself a cup of coffee, as It helps me calm my nerves,I can't lie i feel edgy,Dad will be dropping me off at school, I anticipate everything goes well today .

''Amelia we have to get going or else you'll be late for school, it's your first day you don't want to make a bad impression" mutters Dad

"Sure I'm all set"

we proceed to his Volkswagen polo car outside As we both get in ,he starts driving, the ride to school was quiet ,neither Dad nor I talked as we just listened to some old-school music.

After 20 minutes we reach crown lake high, it sure is breathtaking and delicate, I'm glad I got admitted here, From the outside you can tell it's interior is lavish.
''Here we are, Be a good girl and listen to your teachers, I know you worked hard for that scholarship and you won't disappoint your sponsors, your mum would be very happy to hear about this,have a great day and stay away from trouble makers ,My dad warns me, I love you kiddo."

"Thanks, Dad I surely won't disappoint you or anyone you have my word and I love you too" I get out of the car and start making my way in.
I feel fussy  and my palms are getting sweaty.

After vacillating around the school for not more than twenty minutes I remembered I have the school map with me , if I take a look at it I'll have an idea of how to go about although it's a bit complicated, I start heading towards the second entrance and the hallways ,I can see different types of groups starring at me but I don't mind them, some even looked at me with smiles others had eerie looks plastered on their faces.

Just when I was getting fade up I see the label 'office' on one of the doors in front of me, I sigh as a sign of relief and knock on the door and I hear a lady's voice telling me to get in ,I get inside and see a girl of about my age with big Brown eyes and dark brunette hair talking to the middle-aged lady who tells me to take a seat.

"You must be miss stone right our new transfer student , I am your principal Mrs ross ,welcome to crown lake high academy".

"Thank you Mrs ross" I utter.
"Let me hand you your timetable and locker number, miss stone I believe you are a very well-mannered young lady, crown lake high is a prestigious school it provides high quality education and excellent services" Says Mrs. Ross

"Miss Oliveira, can you please show miss stone around the school and to her first class ".
"Why me, it's the school tour guides job" The Brown eyed girl Rebuttals.
"Stacy's absent today,  consider this part of your punishment" retorts Mrs Ross
"Fine follow me " she utters
I collect my timetable , locker number, and start following her lead, I decide to introduce myself
" Amelia Stone and you are?"
" My name's Mia let me take a look at your timetable, well it shows here that you have English, math, gym and science class with me so I'll have to show you a few places around, I'll  have to show you the music room , music is the only  class  we don't take together let me show you to your locker it says on this paper that its just opposite mine "
we reach my locker and I unpack some things from my bag and put them in the locker, while Mia waits for me, we get going to our first class which is English class

"Before we proceed Listen up New girl Crown lake high is known for it having the wealthiest and most spoiled brats in the State So here are some rules you need to play by".

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